Monday, November 16, 2020

Province III hosts book discussion of How to Be an Antiracist, including conversation with author

Beginning on November 17, Province III is hosting 10 Zoom sessions on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30 pm. for a discussion of the book, How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi. The final session will be with the author, Dr. Kendi. Click here for more information, reading assignments and registration. Sponsored by the Province III Social Justice & Anti-Racism Committee.

You can make a child’s Christmas wishes come true at Jackson-Feild

The Christmas season is especially hard for most of the children at Jackson-Feild. What is supposed to be a time of unity and joy brings back memories of past Christmases filled with sadness and heartache.

Jackson-Feild’s staff makes every effort to ensure that the children will have Christmas memories that they will cherish for lifetime. We are seeking your help with our Adopt-a-Child program. Interested persons can adopt all or part of a child’s Christmas list. Due to COVID-19, only cash contributions will be accepted. Gifts will be ordered online by Jackson-Feild staff.

Jackson-Feild also organizes a special meal and activity every day during the twelve days of Christmas. The children are unable to go home or receive any visitors due to COVID-19 which will be especially trying for them.

If you would like to help, please send your check to Jackson-Feild Behavioral Health Services, 546 Walnut Grove, Jarratt, VA 23867, go online to or contact Tod Balsbaugh 804869-3505.
Please share the spirit of Christmas by helping Jackson-Feild bring joy and happiness to the children.

When you sit down with your loved ones on Christmas day, please know that you created a lifetime memory for a child who needs your help.

Help for Honduras

By the Rev. Anne Dale, Advent, Norfolk

After nearly 10 years of providing security services in Honduras, my husband Roland and I founded Friends of Honduras USA with the goal of offering a path out of poverty and corruption for the children of Honduras. Our first projects were kindergartens for the young children so that they could begin their education in a safe and comfortable environment in their local communities. Since 2009, our foundation has constructed eight schools, two medical clinics, and sixty-five houses in addition to installing water filtration systems, providing medical supplies, and delivering thousands of pounds of food to families in remote areas. Our most recent project is the rehabilitation of an abandoned sewing factory into a medical facility that will provide a wide variety of medical services in the remote department of Santa Barbara.
Each year in Honduras tens of thousands of children die before the age of five (the biggest percentage younger than two years) due to non-potable water, malnutrition, unsanitary living conditions, and limited health care. As you can imagine, the pandemic has ravaged an already vulnerable population. And, now, Eta has washed away innumerable lives and immeasurably compounded the suffering. The corn, bean, rice, and banana crops and the livestock of the fertile Sula Valley are a total loss. 
Due to the pandemic, we have not been able to travel to Honduras since January 2020. Throughout the year, Friends of Honduras USA has worked through one paid employee to coordinate volunteers to assess the most critical needs and purchase and distribute food and medical supplies. All funds collected are currently being devoted to this ministry.  
The odds for improving the well-being of the people of Honduras seem insurmountable at present. With God’s help, your prayers and financial contributions will save lives and restore hope for improvement of the most basic living conditions that we take for granted every day. You have our pledge that each dollar donated will put food and medicine into the hands of some of God’s most desperate children. Please see our website,, to donate through PayPal or call me at 919-210-6809 for more information.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Become a member of the James Solomon Russell Chapter of Union of Black Episcopalians

The Union of Black Episcopalians (UBE) stands in the continuing tradition - more than 200 years - of fighting racism in the Episcopal Church. UBE fights racism by encouraging the involvement of People of Color in the total life of the church - on every level and in every way. UBE is committed to translating this words into Christian action for all Episcopalians and at all levels of the Church. The support of all Episcopalians, financially and spiritually, continues to be critical as the UBE continues its work to ensure the diversity essential to the Church. Please consider becoming a member of Southern Virginia's James Solomon Russell Chapter of UBE. Click here for more information.

Youth Gathering: Learn to Breathe in COVID

November 21 at 2:00 p.m.

Join us for a special virtual gathering where we will be discussing self-care with an expert and talking through how to support loved ones during this emotionally exhausting time in our lives. High school is tough, especially during a pandemic. Our hope is to provide a safe place for students to come and discuss the challenges that they are facing and walk about with some insight on concrete ways to handle those situations. Sign up here.

Special 2020 Parochial Report Form

Following the October 9-12, 2020 meeting of Executive Council, the Rev. Canon Michael Barlowe, Executive Officer of the General Convention, has announced that the form for the 2020 Parochial Report is now viewable on the General Convention website in English, Spanish, and French. Read more here.

Preparing to Become the Beloved Community curriculum revised for Advent 2020

New and updated Advent and Christmas resources for congregations, dioceses, and communities of faith are available, with additional resources coming soon. Available now: Preparing to Become the Beloved Community Advent curriculum; Way of Love Digital Invitation Kit; updated Journeying the Way of Love Advent calendar and curriculum; AdventWord 2020; Episcopal Migration Ministries Refugee Prayer Vigil. And be sure to sign up for daily Advent and Christmas emails. Find Advent and Christmas resources from The Episcopal Church here. Read more here.