Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Addictions & Recovery Commission hosts virtual screening of SNO BABIES
Virtual congregational meeting protocols
In response to several inquiries from churches about congregational meetings during the period when COVID-19 pandemic church assembly and social distancing restrictions are in effect from the Bishop, protocols have been developed and approved by the Executive Board. Click here for the virtual congregational meeting protocols.
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Conversation with author and pastor Traci Smith
Formation re-gathering recommendations
Many of us are desiring opportunities to connect with members of our congregations and worshipping communities and are wondering how we can engage in Christian Formation events safely. Below is information drafted by the Christian Formation Sub-Committee of the Diocesan Re-Gathering Panel on this topic. I would like to express my gratitude to Canon Lynn Farlin, Diocesan Canon for Formation, Vicky Koch of St. Paul's in Norfolk, and Jacqueline Beardsley of Christ & St. Luke's in Norfolk for their work in drafting these guidelines. Should you have any questions please contact Canon Farlin at the Diocesan Office.
Grief Recovery Handbook study groups forming
Register with confidence! Food for the Soul and other fall retreats
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
99th birthday drive-by celebration