Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Learn more about how Women to Women is serving the Congo and how you can help

Women to Women serves the women in the Congo Church who are making a huge difference caring for their victimized sisters. Known as the 'worst place on earth to be a woman,' D. R. Congo has known war brought on by 20-30 militias, especially in the east where the Province has 5 of its 9 dioceses. The decimation of families and villages has been a weapon of war for close to 20 years.

Women to Women raises money to help the Mothers' Union teach catering, tailoring, literacy, and support small enterprises through micro-loans. Our group (not limited to women) will kick off the year on Monday, September 14 at 7:00 p.m. at 1323 Lafayette Blvd., #1. Please join us! Call Susan Broaddus at 757-623-0205 for directions or more information.

Praying for the churches of Southern Virginia

As part of our liturgy at Annual Council 2015, each delegation wrote a prayer for their parish. We are sharing these prayers each week in the eNews so that we all can support one another in the upcoming year.

Trinity, South Boston 
Lord God, be with your people in this parish as we seek your guidance in doing your will in our lives, in worship, outreach in our community, in our Diocese, and in our world. Guide us always in your ways. We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.  

Christ Church, Smithfield  
O God, we ask your guidance as we seek to find a new priest. Show us how to work in unity with each other as we walk with Christ in our spiritual journey together. We ask your guidance, O God, as we work in our community of Smithfield to spread Christ's love to those hurting in our area. We ask your guidance, O God, as we work in our community to bring others to Christ and become disciples with us. We ask your guidance, O God, to encourage us in our stewardship of time, talent and treasure. Amen.  

Register now for Fall Camp at Shrine Mont!

Fall Camp is an annual event hosted by the Tri-Diocesan Council on Aging. This year's camp will be Oct. 26-29 at Shrine Mont, Orkney Springs, VA. Fall Camp is an opportunity to spend time in the mountains of Virginia with other seniors (but we don't have an age limit) from across the Commonwealth and from other states. The Camp takes seriously the spiritual needs and journeys of primarily retired people, and challenges participants through keynote speakers, workshops, worship and interaction with one another. Click here for this year's Fall Camp brochure and workshop listing.

Only one Safe Church classroom training remaining this year

Are you a new vestry member? Then be sure to enroll in Safe Church Training, if you haven't already done so. Our final Safe Church classroom training will be held Sept. 19 at St. Cyprian's, Hampton. Click here for more information and registration. Registration deadline is Sept. 11.

All recommended Safe Church courses can be taken online as well. Click here to learn more. Current policy requires re-certification every three years.

YASC Missionary Andy Russell blogging from Tanzania

Twenty-seven young adults representing 21 Episcopal Church dioceses are serving as missionaries in the Young Adult Service Corps (YASC) for the 2015-2016 term in locales throughout the Anglican Communion. Andy Russell, from Bruton Parish, Williamsburg, is serving in the Diocese of Central Tanganyika, Tanzania. Andy is in Dodoma, Tanzania with The Carpenter's Kids program, which provides education to children who have lost one or both parents to HIV/AIDS. There are an estimated 40,000 of these orphans within the diocese. He's sharing his experiences via his blog, Looking Out, Looking In. You can read his latest post, a visit to the diocesan vocational school, here.

News from the Diocesan ECW

The quarterly ECW Grapevine is here! If you have news you would like included in the next issue, or would like to be added to the email list, contact Nancy Smith, Deadline for the next issue is Oct. 31 for distribution in November. This issue includes:
  • President's Letter from Nancy Sands, Diocesan ECW President
  • October is UTO Ingathering Month
  • October 17: Diocesan ECW Fall Annual Meeting
  • God Bless the Children wish list ingathering
  • Program: American Cancer Society - Bring a scarf as a gift for a cancer survivor.
  • Rt. Rev. Michael Curry Says "Love Wins"
  • Women-to-Women Update

Monday, August 31, 2015

Registration for October Weekend is open!

October Weekend 2015: We are all God's Children... so what about equality?
October 2-4 at Chanco on the James

A special event sponsored by the Episcopal Youth Community Board. Open to all youth in grades 8 through 12 and their adult advisors. Visit Camp Chanco on the James River for a weekend in the woods with teens from all over our diocese! October Weekend is an annual event planned by teens, for teens. It always features great music, meaningful small group discussions, socials and games, a dance, and really incredible worship experiences. Come experience the presence of God in community! Click here for more information and registration.