Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Praying for the churches of Southern Virginia

As part of our liturgy at Annual Council 2015, each delegation wrote a prayer for their parish. We are sharing these prayers each week in the eNews so that we all can support one another in the upcoming year.

St. John's, Chase City  
We pray for the grace of God to be with us this day and always. For us to identify the needs of our communities and provide assistance and comfort to those who are suffering. Amen. 

St. Paul's Memorial, Lawrenceville   
O heavenly Father, grant us continued blessings that we may continue to serve you in our daily lives. Dear Father, also continue to bless us each wee as we strive to keep our doors open to serve you and our local community. Amen.  

Leadership Program for Musicians now accepting registration for Fall classes

Don't miss out on a great opportunity! The Leadership Program for Musicians (LPM), a national program offering classes for church musicians and those interested in church music, is accepting registrations for the 2015-2016 year.
Courses being offered for the 2015-2016 year are Liturgy and Music: Foundations for Christian Worship (offered online through the Center for Liturgy and Music at Virginia Theological Seminary, visit www.liturgyandmusic.com); Principles of Choral Leadership; Teaching New Music to the Congregation; and Philosophy of Church Music.
LPM gives church musicians the tools and resources to lead congregations to sing well and to participate actively in worship. LPM offers classes that cover key areas in church music and liturgical education, spiritual formation, and teach a full range of church music skills.
For more information visit www.lpm-va.org or contact Jane Barthurst, atlpmvacoordinator@gmail.com or804-883-7112.

Listen to world class preaching, for free!

A Sermon for Every Sunday is a ministry of bringing high-quality lectionary-based sermons by excellent preachers each week. (Michael Curry, Brian McLaren, and many others.) The video sermon of the upcoming Sunday can be rented or bought for use in adult forums, small group discussions, or  in churches when a preacher is unavailable. The audio version can be listened to for free the week following the week... a great way for everyone to have inspirational listening for one of your commutes home!  Learn more at www.asermonforeverysunday.com.  

Thinking ecologically and spiritually about food

The Diocese of Virginia invites you to join them for "Taste and See that the Lord is Good: A conversation between a farmer, a chef and a theologian" on Saturday, October 3 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Grace & Holy Trinity, Richmond.

Throughout Scripture, food is the chief way that God relates to the people of God. From the story of the Garden of Eden to the settlement of the Promised Land, a "land of milk and honey,"  God's most fundamental blessings include the grace of food and the promise that agricultural cycles will yield their fruit in due season. Food is also the way we are intended to relate to God and each other. It is through food that the people of Israel remember and celebrate God's acts of deliverance (Passover seder), as well as express gratitude, show hospitality, ratify covenants, and define ethnic and religious identity. It is not surprising then that the misuse of food should be the cause of a breakdown in our relationship with God and others.
At this conference, we will be invited to explore the relationship between faith and food, between how we relate to God and how we relate to the food and the earth that produces it. The conference will be keynoted by Rachel Marie Stone (author, Eat with Joy). There will also be a "Children and Families Track," providing an opportunity for kids to be engaged in questions of food and faith.

Sign up today! Get more information and register  here.

AA workshop: How to help alcoholics maintain sobriety

The Public Information and the Cooperation with the Professional Community Committees of the Virginia Area Committee of Alcoholics Anonymous invites you to join them for a unique opportunity to explore the program of Alcoholics Anonymous and walk away with powerful resources to change the lives of many. This workshop is for members of the professional community that come into contact with problem drinkers, and for AA members to learn from the professional community. 
The workshop will be held on Friday, October 2 from 6 to 9 p.m. at Ghent United Methodist Church, 531 Raleigh Ave Norfolk.  The workshop will consists of presentations and a panel made up of members of the professional community who have had experience working with alcoholics and Alcoholics Anonymous as well as self-identified members of Alcoholics Anonymous who have worked with and within the professional community. The workshop is free and pre-registration is not required. Dinner and refreshments will be available. 
For more information call 757-403-8265 or email PI@tidwaterintergroup.org.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Registration for October Weekend is open!

October Weekend 2015: We are all God's Children... so what about equality?
October 2-4 at Chanco on the James

A special event sponsored by the Episcopal Youth Community Board. Open to all youth in grades 8 through 12 and their adult advisors. Visit Camp Chanco on the James River for a weekend in the woods with teens from all over our diocese! October Weekend is an annual event planned by teens, for teens. It always features great music, meaningful small group discussions, socials and games, a dance, and really incredible worship experiences. Come experience the presence of God in community! Click here for more information and registration.

Dates for other 2015-2016 diocesan youth events are here!
Look for more information and online registration coming soon.
  • Pre-Happening Staff Weekend - October 24-25, 2015
  • Happening for grades 10-12 - November 6-8, 2015
  • November Weekend for grades 6-9 - November 13-15
  • Youth Delegation to Diocesan Council - February 4-6, 2016
  • Pre-Happening Staff Weekend - February 27-28, 2016
  • Happening for grades 10-12 - March 11-13, 2016
  • May Weekend - May 20-22, 2016

YASC volunteer Andy Russell heads to Tanzania on August 27

Andy Russell, a member of Bruton Parish, Williamsburg, will be spending a year in Tanzania as a volunteer with the Episcopal Church Young Adult Service Corp. He leaves for his mission field on August 27. You can follow Andy's mission on his blog. We'll be sharing his posts here in the eNews.

YASC Orientation
"I can hardly believe that I am already over a week removed from the YASC training at the Holy Cross monastery in West Park, NY.  Between the actual cultural training, monastic setting, a trip to New York City, and all the people present during the two weeks of training, the experience was just so utterly unique and transformative.
" Click here to continue reading.