Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Jackson-Feild Homes re-dedicates its chapel

JFH resident presented Bishop Hollerith with a Book of Inspiration which contained faith-based poems and short stories written by residents.
On April 2, Bishop Hollerith assisted JFH's chaplain, The Rev. Dr. Robin Jones, in a service of re-dedication of the All Saints Chapel. The ceremony included the consecration of the Baptismal Font, Pulpit, and Altar. Music was provided by the recently reestablished JFH choir under the leadership of The Rev. David Ausby.

The service was attended by residents, staff, board members, and donors. Also attending were the three siblings of Helen Marie Boudiette. They traveled from Oklahoma, Ohio, and Florida. As a teen, Helen Boudiette enjoyed volunteering at Jackson-Feild. In 1978, Helen was tragically killed in an automobile accident. The Boudiette family donated funds to Jackson-Feild and asked that the chapel be built in memory of Helen.

Also present was Peggy Riethmiller, the daughter of Dr. William G. Christian. Dr. Christian was a member of Jackson-Feild's Board of Trustees and headed the capital campaign to raise funds to build the chapel. Mrs. Riethmiller's husband, Steve, presently serves on the Home's Board of Trustees.

After the service everyone gathered in Gage Dining Hall for a special luncheon prepared by the JFH food service staff. A resident presented Bishop Hollerith with a Book of Inspiration which contained faith-based poems and short stories written by residents that focused on love and forgiveness. The dedication ceremony will be long remembered and cherished by those who attended.

Annual celebration held in memory of the Ven. Dr. James Solomon Russell

By Dr. Angela Parker, St. Paul's Memorial, Lawrenceville   

The James Solomon Russell Celebration Committee met on Sunday, March 23, 2014 at Brian's Steak House, South Hill, Virginia for an afternoon of prayer, celebration, and reflection. This date, the fourth Sunday in March, marks the annual tradition of having a memorial service on the Sunday closest to proposed feast day for Dr. Russell (March 28). Dr. Angela Parker served as the Mistress of Ceremonies for the occasion and adorned the room with flowers and prepared the altar. The afternoon's activities began with a welcome by the chairperson, Mrs. Annie Walker, followed by the committee's adopted "Liturgy for the Proclamation of the Word of God and the Celebration of the Holy Communion." The Rev. Dr. Terrence Walker served as celebrant and also gave an inspirational sermon that charged each member to continue our efforts to recognize Archdeacon Russell for his many accomplishments and moreover, to prayerfully consider how we can carry forth his ministry in the 21st century. The beautiful chalice set that was created by national acclaimed wood turner Mr. Charles Farrar, and given to the Committee for this annual observance, was used. Other participants on the program included, Mr. James Grimstead and Dr. Barbara Coles as lectors, Mrs. Nannie Brown as psalmist and chalice bearer and Dr. Angela Parker as intercessor using the traditional Great Litany. Mrs. Pearl Parker, the Committee's historian, detailed the history and purpose of the Committee's memorial program.

After the conclusion of the memorial service a delicious meal was enjoyed by all, after which, the committee members participated in a reflection session including brainstorming regarding what the Committee's future work might entail. A special tribute was also given for the Rev. Dr. Joseph Green, Jr., the Committee's senior advisor, who could not be present. The program ended on a high note as the chairperson reported that the Committee's efforts to advance the research on Dr. Russell as an internationally important historical figure had been recognized in Washington and that a letter from the President of the United States was forthcoming.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Integrity making changes and planning for the future

Integrity's next meeting will be on Sunday, April 27, 2:00 p.m. at Eastern Shore Chapel, Virginia Beach (2020 Laskin Road, Virginia Beach). We will be talking about re-structuring our meetings and events and making exciting new plans for the future. The meeting will include our annual Board elections. Get more information on our website. All are welcome and invited to join us and to learn how YOU can get involved in the important work of LGBT advocacy in the Episcopal Church. Mark your calendar. We hope to see you there!

Church Media Conference: Social Media and Mobile Marketing

The media can communicate the very clear message of our loving God in ways that Paul never dreamed. The Tidewater Church Media Conference will explore the tools we now have at our fingertips to help us share the gospel. The conference will be held Saturday, May 3, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at St. Timothy Lutheran Church in Norfolk. This year's theme is Social Media and Mobile Marketing. Cost is $20 and includes lunch. An optional field trip follows the conference. 

Workshops in: Administrator Forum, Bridging the Tech Gap, Church Advertising and Marketing, Email Marketing & Best Practices: eTapestry, Constant Contact, and MailChimp, Going Tech in Worship, Google Docs and Dropbox, Helpful Resources for Pastors, The Importance of Social Media in Church Ministry, New Worship Music Ideas, and Website Considerations

Get more information and register at www.tidewatercmc.com. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Executive Board to host conversations about stewardship

The Stewardship Focus Group of the diocesan Executive Board is hosting an informal gathering of parish wardens and stewardship/finance chairs to share successes and challenges with our parish giving programs. We believe it will be beneficial to share the work in our various parishes.  Anyone interesting in parish stewardship is encouraged to attend. The Stewardship Focus Group of the Executive Board is charged with assisting and supporting parishes in their stewardship endeavors.  
We will gather on Saturday, April 12 from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. at Ascension, Norfolk. Please contact Bob Motley at bobmotley46@gmail.com if you are able to join us or if you have questions.  

There will be another opportunity to join the conversation when we gather for lunch on Wednesday, April 30 from 11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Old Donation, Virginia Beach. Please contact Mike McGraw, lesmax@aol.com if you are able to join us in Virginia Beach or if you have questions.
Plans are under way for additional gatherings in other Convocations, including the Richmond area. Watch the eNews for dates and locations. 

Time for United Thank Offering Spring ingathering

By Joyce E. Douglas, Diocesan UTO Coordinator

First, I would like to thank each of you who contributed to the United Thank Offering during the 2013 ingatherings (click here to see reports). If you did not participate in the ingatherings last year, it is my hope that you will join the other congregations throughout our diocese in supporting this program with prayers and offerings.

The United Thank Offering is a program encouraging men, women, and children to share their thankfulness to God through daily prayer and offerings, in the Blue Box, and to pass those blessings to others. The power of the Blue Box is unlimited. Your prayers and offerings have built churches and schools, made needed renovations, fed the hungry, clothed the poor, provided shelter for the homeless and provided care and support for those with physical, mental, and emotional challenges.

The times that have been set aside for the ingatherings are the Sunday closest to the Day of Ascension, in the spring, and the Sunday closest to All Saints' Day, in the fall. The months are usually April and October. However, if this does not meet your church's schedule, you may dedicate another month in which to hold your ingatherings. After your ingathering, please have your church treasurer write a check to United Thank Offering. The check(s) may be mailed to: Joyce E. Douglas, 4608 Coronet Avenue, Virginia Beach, VA 23455. (phone 757-496-0192) When your checks are received, they will be mailed to the United Thank Offering.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I am here to help you. If you need UTO supplies, they may be ordered from the website of the National Church:  www.episcopalchurch.org/uto.

News from Saint Paul's College

The Saint Paul's College campus in Lawrenceville is for sale in hopes it can continue to educate young black men and women in Southern Virginia. President Millard Stith, Jr. says that the college's goal is to find another college or university that will take over Saint Paul's as an educational institution.

In order to present the school in the best possible light for potential partners, funding is needed to keep the property and its 35 buildings maintained until July 1, 2014. The campus includes dormitories, a president's house and other residences, administration buildings, a Victorian house that served as an arts center, and a student center. Some of the brick buildings were constructed by students.

Saint Paul's alumni have responded to this call for help, and the Department of Education is also providing some funding for this purpose. If you would like to contribute to the Saint Paul's College transition, gifts may be sent to: Saint Paul's College 115 College Drive, Lawrenceville, Virginia 23868.