Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Pre-Council Convocation Meetings

Deans of Convocations are scheduling Pre-Council meetings to take place in the next couple of weeks. A list of Pre-Council Meetings can be found on the Annual Council page of our website.
  • Convocation 1 - January 19, 4 p.m. at St. George's, Pungoteague   
  • Convocation 2 - January 26, 4 p.m. at Old Donation, Virginia Beach 
  • Convocation 3 - February 2, 2 p.m. at St. Andrew's, Norfolk 
  • Convocation 4 - January 29, 7 p.m. at St. Paul's, Suffolk
  • Convocation 5 - January 29, 7 p.m. at Bruton Parish, Williamsburg 
  • Convocation 6 - January 30, 7 p.m. at St. Michael's, Colonial Heights
  • Convocation 7 - January 21, 7 p.m. at Manakin, Midlothian 
  • Convocation 8 - January 25, 10 a.m. at St. Luke's, Blackstone
  • Convocation 9 - January 30, 7 p.m. at Epiphany, Danville

Save the date: Small Church Ministry Conference

The Small Church Conference is a bi-annual conference hosted by the Province 3 Small Church committee, and will be held May 12-15, 2014, at Shrine Mont, Orkney Springs, Virginia.  The theme for 2014 is, "Envisioning A Bright Future:  Empowering the Small Church." Dent Davidson will once again be our keynote speaker, and he will be joined by Phyllis Tickle. As Phyllis is in the process of retiring from accepting speaking engagements, this will be one of the last opportunities to spend time with her at Shrine Mont! Other presenters are Dr. Barbara Anne Fisher, Sister Cassandra Grace, and the Rev. Kathy Gray. For a full description of the presentations and registration information, please refer to the conference brochure. 

Conferences coming to Kanuga

Kanuga Conference Center in Hendersonville, NC, holds its 25th Annual Bowen conference February 16-18. The Bowen Conference engages the most basic and fundamental of questions: how does our image of God shape the way we live, pray, and worship? Lauren Winner, professor, Episcopal priest, and writer, will join this group to offer a fresh perspective and new voice to our conversations about how to live faithful lives as followers of Christ. Click here for more information and registration. 

The 2014 Church Leadership Conference, February 21-23, has assembled a broad collection of savvy guides, observers and coaches to help leaders in local faith communities navigate these formidable and exciting times and unlock the future of the Church. Episcopal and Lutheran keynoters will be joined by staff from the Episcopal Church Foundation and presenters from parishes who are successfully meeting the challenges of growing and nurturing God's people. Click here for more information and registration.

Hampton Roads Community Foundation Scholarships for students in Southern Virginia

Applications are available for the following Hampton Roads Community Foundation scholarships. The 2014-2015 theological scholarship application is due April 1, 2014. The application is available here. Applicants should be native or long-time residents of the specified geographic areas rather than those temporarily living in the area to attend school.
  • Barron F. Black Theological Scholarship- For students at Virginia Theological Seminary (Alexandria, VA) who are candidates for the ministry. Students must be residents of the geographic region served by the Diocese of Southern Virginia. Richard D. and Sheppard R.  
  • Cooke Memorial Scholarship - For students from Hampton Roads attending Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond who are candidates for the ministry. Preference will be given to students from Norfolk churches within the Presbytery of Eastern Virginia.
  • William F. Miles - For a student from Hampton Roads who is preparing for leadership in a field of religious service.
  • Hy Smith Endowment Fund- For students at Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria who are candidates for the ministry. Students must be residents of the geographic region served by the Diocese of Southern Virginia.

Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy hosts Episcopal Day at State Capitol

On Thursday, Jan. 23, the Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy will sponsor an Episcopal Day at the State Capitol in Richmond. This is an opportunity for people of faith to learn how the General Assembly functions. Attendees will spend time in conversation with delegates and others knowledgeable about the General Assembly, and will also receive briefings on a number of issues at play in the legislature.

The Virginia Interfaith Center is a nonpartisan coalition of faith communities that works to create progressive public policy by engaging people of faith about the call to advocacy. As Episcopalians, we have a unique voice to lend to issues of the day, particularly when it comes to matters of social justice. The Episcopal Church General Convention has passed a number of resolutions that call for dioceses to take action and reach out to their state and federal legislators. Episcopal Day will be an opportunity for us to strengthen that voice and learn how to be effective advocates in the name of Jesus Christ.

Episcopal Day will take place from 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m. on Jan. 23, with lunch provided. A light breakfast and lunch will be provided for a donation of $14/person, payable to St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Schedule of the day's events: 
  • 8:30 a.m. - Gather at St. Paul's, 815. E. Grace St., Norwood Room
  • 8:45 a.m. - Welcome and Opening Prayer
  • 9 a.m. - Policy Briefings from VICPP
  • 10:30 a.m. - Move to the General Assembly Building
  • 10:45 a.m. - Visit with Legislators
  • 11:45 a.m. - Gathering in the Galleries of the House and Senate
  • 12 p.m. - Observe House and/or Senate session
  • 12:30 p.m. - Return to St. Paul's
  • 1 p.m. - Lunch catered by Boaz & Ruth (vegetarian options available)
  • 1:45 p.m. - Debriefing, Closing Prayer
Parking is extremely limited during the General Assembly. Please try the following options: Central Parking System, 101 N. 6th St; Central Parking System, 700 E. Franklin St.; CityParking Inc., 801 E Main St #1002. For more information or to register, please e-mail news@thediocese.net 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Annual Council: Registration closes after January 24!

Annual Council is just weeks away - the 122nd Annual Council will be held February 7-8 at the Williamsburg Lodge Convention Center. The deadline for registration and cancellation for Council is January 24, 2014. Youth aged 18 and younger as well as college students may register at the $50 rate. Each attendee should make their own hotel reservations directly with the Williamsburg Lodge or The Woodlands in Colonial Williamsburg. Please refer to Group Code 9952 to receive the discounted rate. Click here for complete information and online registration. Click here for information and registration for Exhibitors at Council.
Church Communicator Credentials 
Church communicators are an integral part of connecting their Convocations and congregations with Council while it is in session (via email, blogging, social networks) and, afterward, by reporting on the work was accomplished (via presentations to Vestries and forums, newsletter articles, blogs, etc). To register for Annual Council as a credentialed church communicator, please complete the  application available on our website no later than January 24, 2014.  

Volunteers Needed 
One of the important tasks of the diocesan council is elections. This year the council will not only elect people to fill positions for the diocese, but will also elect delegates to the next General Convention of The Episcopal Church. Tellers are need to help conduct voting and to count the votes. The council runs from 9 a.m. Friday, February 7 until 4 p.m. Saturday, February 8. The council is held at the Williamsburg Lodge. If you are interested in being a teller please contact the Rev. Bob Gay,  rgay@brutonparish.org

CE-Net Speaker Series: Karen Jackson of Faith Inclusion Network

Please join CE-Net on January 16, 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., at Hickory Neck, Toano, as we welcome Karen Jackson-Faith Inclusion Network. The Faith Inclusion Network (FIN) of South Hampton Roads is a non-profit, grass roots organization founded in May of 2008, dedicated to helping faith communities develop inclusive ministries for people with disabilities and helping families affected by disability to find welcoming and accessible places to worship. Please join us as we have a discussion about how to make our churches a welcoming place for all. Cost is $15 and includes lunch. Click here to register. For more information, please contact Jennifer Nauroth, jenny.nauroth@cox.net.

Upcoming in the Speaker Series 

The speakers this spring have been selected based on the FAQ's from the last year or so.  These topics will be of interest to clergy and lay leaders alike, so make plans to join us. All meetings will be held at Hickory Neck Church, Toano. The program begins at 10:00 a.m. and will conclude by 1:00 p.m. The cost is $15, which includes lunch.

February 27 - "Planning and Implementing Successful Mission Trips for Youth" - Our speaker for this series is a panel of seasoned youth mission trip organizers, including:  The Rev. Wes Wubbenhorst, Canon for Youth for the Diocese of Maryland; Ashley Scruggs, Youth Missioner for the Diocese of Southern Virginia; and Steve Tonic, Staff Development Director for Appalachia Service Project. The panel will discuss the nuts and bolts for planning successful and meaningful international and stateside mission trips.

March 27 -  "Confirmation" - Jenifer Gamber, author of  "My Faith, My Life", and Director of Christian Formation at St. Anne's Church in Trexeltown, PA, will lead us in an honest conversation about the challenges of providing Confirmation instruction for young people.

May 8 - "Confirmation" - Bishop Hollerith will be our speaker and will lead us as we continue our conversation on Confirmation.