Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Forward Movement's new Daybook includes meditations by Bruton Parish priest

Forward Movement recently published Seeking God Day by Day: A Year of Meditations, their 2014 book of daily meditations. The Rev. Penny Nash, associate rector at Bruton Parish, Williamsburg, wrote fifteen of the meditations in this volume that many refer to as the "Daybook."

Seeking God Day by Day shares stories from the hearts and souls of thirty-one authors who differ widely in age, ethnicity, gender, geography, and denomination. Some writers are well known, such as Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori and the inspirational Bo Cox, while others are offering their stories for the first time.

"So many people have told me how much they love the Daybooks," shares Nash. "They read them over and over again, catching a new meaning with each reading. I'm grateful to be part of this project that touches so many and grateful to Forward Movement for creating such a community of people who seek God together day by day."

The meditations are as diverse as their authors - they are edgy, joyful, angry, gentle, struggling, and loving. What holds the stories together-and what connects all of us-is our common quest to be in a deeper relationship with God.

Seeking God Day by Day: A Year of Meditations is available from the Bruton Parish Shop or at www.forwardmovement.org.  

Safe Church training update

Safe Church Trainings for 2014 will be published on the Christian Formation page of our website on Friday, December 13. Adult Safe Church Training is now available online along with the other modules. Anyone choosing the online option must complete all the assigned modules online within a two week period to receive certification. Please contact Judy Rieken to register to take the courses online. You may sign up for live classroom trainings, as usual, through the diocesan website. Please contact Judy at jrieken@diosova.org with any questions. 

Seeds of Hope Grants awarded

Ten Seeds of Hope Grants totaling $23,233 have been awarded for 2013. Seeds of Hope grants are awarded to congregations and diocesan groups in Southern Virginia to support the development or expansion of social justice ministries sponsored by diocesan congregations and organizations. Over the next few weeks, we'll tell you about our grant recipients. 

Mission of the Holy Spirit, Norfolk 
Skills for Life
Mission of the Holy Spirit will offer a program designed for teens and adults that will help them learn skills necessary to become productive members of our community. The program will be presented one evening per week, with a break for a nutritious dinner. Participants will learn skills such as resume writing, interviewing for jobs, conflict resolution, prevention of domestic violence, time management, banking, using online resources to obtain college scholarships and employment, as well as other skills.

St. Matthias', Midlothian
Food Pantry
This fall the need for the St. Matthias' Food Pantry significantly increased with an expanded school program and increased clients from community programs. The pantry will participate in the Community in Schools (CIS) program at Chalkley Elementary School in Chesterfield and will provide food for three to five families per week. About 80% of Chalkley's students qualify for free or reduced lunch programs. the families who receive the food are selected by the school social worker and are different each week. The food is delivered to the school and parents pick it up. This ministry has begun on a trial basis and has been successful. St. Matthias' expects to expand the number of families during the school year. St. Matthias' pantry may be unique in that it provides enough appropriate food to supply three meals per day for seven days for each family member. the pantry grew by 15% in its first year and this growth is expected to continue. The pantry is also unique in that volunteers deliver the food to the school. The strain on resources has already been felt and Seeds of Hope Grant funding will help to increase the resources to meet the increased need.

Galilee, Virginia Beach
Job Seeker Academy
Over twenty-five years ago Galilee joined other local Virginia Beach churches to found the Judeo-Christian Outreach Center (JCOC) to serve the homeless on the Virginia Beach Oceanfront. In January JCOC started providing the ServSafe Food Handler Program to its residents. The ServSafe food handler training program is nationally recognized throughout the food service industry. The ServSafe program at JCOC started with generous funding from Old Donation, Virginia Beach. Old Donation provided seed money to get the program up and running. The Seeds of Hope grant will build on the success of the ServSafe program by providing funds to pay for other types of job training. Residents will be able to use the Seeds of Hope funds for job training programs such as the ServSafe Managers Course, cosmetology, auto mechanic, or construction classes. Costs associated with job training will also be eligible for grant funding, such as text books and study guides.  

New ECW Board members take office in January

By Nancy L. Smith, St. Aidan's, Virginia Beach

Episcopal Church Women have elected Susan Broaddus, Christ and St. Luke's, Norfolk as Student Work Chair and Ronda Toll, Christ the King, Tabb, Prayer and Worship Chair. Susan and Ronda will serve a two-year term on the ECW Diocesan Board beginning in January 2014.
The Rev. Christopher L. Epperson, Burton Parish Rector installed the new board members at the ECW Annual Fall Meeting hosted by the Burton Parish ECW October 16.  

Katherine Patterson, Christ and Grace, Petersburg, presiding in the absence of Diocesan President, Barbara Taylor, thanked outgoing board members, Student Work Chair, Deborah Austin, St. Mark's, Suffolk; Prayer and Worship Chair, Pricilla Benn, St. Mark's, Suffolk; and Recording Secretary, Betty Mariner, St. George's, Pungoteague for their service. An election will be held at the Spring meeting to fill vacant positions. Nominees for office are: Recording Secretary, Janis Chenery, Christ Church, Danville; and Treasurer Elect, Betty Mariner.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Annual Council: Registration is open!

Registration for the 122nd Annual Council (Feb. 7-8, 2014) at the Williamsburg Lodge is now open.  

Registration fee before January 7, 2014 is $125 per attendee. After January 7, registration will increase to $150. Online registration and cancellation deadline is January 24, 2014. Youth aged 18 and younger as well as college students may register at the $50 rate.  

Each attendee should make their own hotel reservations directly with the Williamsburg Lodge or The Woodlands in Colonial Williamsburg. Please refer to Group Code 9952 to receive the discounted rate.

Click here for complete information and online registration.

Click here for information and registration for Exhibitors at Council.

Presiding Bishop's Advent message

Advent is a time of waiting and for many people it's a time to reflect on what Mary must have experienced as she waited for the birth of this unusual child.  

You may never have been pregnant or lived with someone who was, but put yourself in her place for a while.  Consider what it would have been like to have a new life growing within you.  And reflect on what new is growing within you this season of Advent.  

What new concern is growing for the people around you? What new burden is on your heart for the woes of the world?  What new possibility do you see emerging in the world around you, and how might you be part of that?  

Advent is a quieter time of the year in the Church's understanding. It's a time to be still and listen, listen deep within to what is growing, ready to emerge into new life.  

And as the season for the birth of the Christ Child arrives, I would encourage you to consider how you yourself will be present in the world in a new way this year.  How will you give evidence of love incarnate to the world around you?  

I pray that you have a blessed and joyful and peace-filled Advent.  God be with you.  

Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori 

Click here for the Presiding Bishop's message in Spanish. 

Mission of the Holy Spirit Christmas Gift Book Project

This year The Parish Book Store, inside Eastern Shore Chapel, Virginia Beach, will join with the Mission of the Holy Spirit for a Christmas Gift Book Project. The Episcopal Mission of the Holy Spirit serves the at-risk community of Norfolk, particularly focusing on the children and youth.

Inside the Parish Book Store is a Christmas tree with "decorations" providing the gender and age of a child. Visitors to the store can take a decoration from the tree and choose an age appropriate book from the various children's books available in the store. The book, with the decoration attached, will be placed in baskets around the tree. On December 4, the books will be picked up to be taken to the Mission and distributed to the children.

For more information, contact the Parish Book Store, books@easternshorechapel.org or 757-425-0114.