Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Bishop Hollerith confirms 16 new Episcopalians

Bishop Hollerith's visitation at Epiphany, Norfolk, on Feb. 5, where he confirmed 16 new Episcopalians - 14 from Epiphany, Norfolk, one from Good Shepherd, Norfolk, and one from Advent, Norfolk. Photos by Jackie Rochelle of Epiphany.

Bishop James Magness to join diocesan staff

Bishop Hollerith announced at Annual Council earlier this month that the Rt. Rev. James Magness will be joining the diocesan staff in late March as a part-time assisting bishop.

Bishop Magness has just retired as the Suffragan Bishop of the Armed Forces and Federal Ministries and is well known by many in the diocese. He served as interim rector of Galilee, Virginia Beach, and as a canon of the diocese. He was also the Canon to the Ordinary of the Diocese of Kentucky.

Bishop Hollerith's visitation schedule will not change, and Bishop Magness will assist with visitations so that churches will not have to wait so long between Episcopal visits. Bishop Hollerith has also asked Bishop Magness to explore a potential site for a new congregational planting.

ECW Scholarship applications due April 30

The Diocesan ECW is now accepting applications for the Elise Holladay Scholarship and the Beverley D. Tucker Scholarship. Applicants must be communicants of the Diocese of Southern Virginia and have at least a "B: or 2.75 GPA on a 4.0 scale. Students must be enrolled full time for the coming year. Applications must be postmarked by April 30, 2017 in order to be considered for the Fall semester. A student may receive funds twice. For more information and an application, click here. Questions? Contact Sandra Garner, 804-862-2578.  

Nags Head Acolyte Festival March 24-25

The Diocese of East Carolina and St. Andrew's By-the-Sea in Nags Head, NC, invite your acolytes to participate in the 8th annual Acolyte Festival in Nags Head March 24-25. All acolytes, directors, youth ministers and parents are welcome and encouraged to attend. Participants will return home with both new skills, a renewed enthusiasm for liturgy, and the rich, participatory tradition of Anglican worship. Cost is $45 per person and includes all meals, snacks, activities, workshop materials and a t-shirt. Per diocesan requirements, one adult chaperone is required for every six youth. For more information contact Debbie Luke, 252-599-6997 or lukecrew@hotmail.com. Click here for a registration form. 

2017 Missional Voices National Gathering

The 2017 Missional Voices National Gathering will be held April 21-22 at Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria, VA. It brings together church leaders, seminarians, church planters, entrepreneurs, artists, and everyday innovators to discuss innovative ministries and missional communities both within and outside of the traditional church context. Missional Voices is a weekend of thinking, planning, and dreaming about the future ministry in The Episcopal Church and Anglican Communion. It is a place where dynamic incubation of new ideas is the norm - not the exception - and where people doing uncommon ministry find support and encouragement. Cost is $99 and includes meals, free to current seminary students. Learn more at www.missionalvoices.com.

Calling the Future Church Conference: Leading from the Middle; Leading Like it Matters

Province III of the Episcopal Church is hosting this conference featuring the Rev. David Gortner, Ph.D., May 1-2 at the Holiday Inn in Martinsburg, WV. What patterns of choices has the Episcopal Church made in its selection, formation, development and deployment of ordained leaders? What is the impact of those choices on mission? Might we "move the dial" by fostering religious leadership practices to reshape and redirect congregations in their culture and engagement in the public practices of evangelism, witness and community partnership? Registration is $75. Click here for more information and registration.

Episcopal Veterans Fellowship

The Episcopal Veterans Fellowship (EVF) and the Hospitallers of St. Martin, a new monastic Christian community, have been established for veterans ministry. Together they equip Christians for missional ministry to veterans through prayer, hospitality, and reconciliation. They offer educational workshops, consulting, and coaching so churches can reach out with God's love to veterans who live in the community. Learn more at their website, www.episcopalveteransfellowship.org. 

ECW collects over $800 for UTO at Annual Council

By Ronda Toll, Diocesan UTO Coordinator

On behalf of the ECW, I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all those who attended the Annual Council. You filled our famous United Thank Offering (UTO) blue boxes most generously! $820 was donated during the Council to UTO and the mission-driven, Christ-centered ministries that UTO supports. Thank you!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

125th Annual Council: Stewardship resources; Bishop's address; elections; resolutions

Southern Virginia's 125th Annual Council convened February 10-11 at the Williamsburg Lodge.

Timothy Dombek
Keynote speaker
The Rev. Canon Timothy Dombek, Canon for Stewardship in the Diocese of Arizona, shared his wisdom, experience and vision in two presentations and his sermon at the Council Eucharist. Canon Dombek's presentations and handouts are available on the Stewardship page of the diocesan website.

Bishop Hollerith's Address to Council
Bishop Hollerith addressed Council on Friday morning. He remarked on the tumultuous and unsettling events of the past year and what that could mean for the Church - "I sense us entering a period when more and more people will be turning to the church for answers and for meaning and for community." He also spoke about the Executive Board's Social Justice Task Group, Chanco on the James, and announced the addition of the Rt. Rev. James Magness to the diocesan staff beginning in late March. Bishop Magness is the retired bishop of the Armed Forces & Federal Ministries. He will assist, part-time, with visitations and explore the possibility of a new church plant. Click here to read Bishop Hollerith's address.

Bishop Hollerith with members of the Youth Delegation to Council

The following elections were made by Council. For more information about these positions and the nominees who were elected, go to the Annual Council page of the diocesan website.

Standing Committee:  
Lynn Farlin, Ascension, Norfolk 
The Very Rev. Susan Grimm, St. Timothy's, Clarksville & Trinity, South Boston
Disciplinary Board:  
John Rector, St. Paul's, Suffolk 
The Rev. Ronald Ramsey, St. Cyprian's, Hampton 
The Rev. Stewart Tabb, Ascension, Norfolk
Provincial Synod: 
Gay Forloine, Hickory Neck, Toano
General Convention: 
Lay Deputies: Sam Webster (Head of Deputation), Ascension, Norfolk; Alice Webley, All Saints, Virginia Beach; Toni Hogg, St. John's, Hampton; Isabel Burch, Bruton Parish, Williamsburg. 
Lay Alternates: Matthew White, St. David's, Chesterfield; Cara Kinsey, Emmanuel, Chatham 
Clergy Deputies: Julia Messer, Eastern Shore Chapel, Virginia Beach; Willis Foster, St. Stephen's, Petersburg; Samantha Vincent-Alexander, St. John's, Hampton; Cameron Randle, St. George's Parish on the Eastern Shore 
Clergy Alternates: Dale Custer, St. John's, Chester; Ronald Ramsey, St. Cyprians', Hampton; Jennifer Andrews-Weckerly, Hickory Neck, Toano; Mark Wilkinson, St. Aidan's, Virginia Beach 


For more information on these resolutions, go to the Annual Council page of the diocesan website.
Resolution C-1, Parishes at Risk, PASSED 
Resolution R-1, Changes to Rules of Order - WITHDRAWN 
General Convention Resolutions - PASSED AS READ 

Go to the diocesan Facebook page, or search #Diosova125, to find lots of pictures from this year's Annual Council.   

Register now to be part of the Episcopal Youth Event delegation from Southern Virginia

EYE 2014 delegation from Southern Virginia
The next Episcopal Youth Event (EYE17) will be held in partnership with the Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma from July 10-14, 2017 on the campus of the University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond. EYE17 is geared for youth in grades 9-12 during the 2016-2017 academic year and their adult leaders.
"Path to Peace represents both the inward and outward actions we are called to engage as members of the Jesus Movement," explained Bronwyn Clark Skov, Presiding Bishop's Staff Officer for Youth Ministry. "Embracing this theme, the 2017 Episcopal Youth Event will focus on helping participants identify how they can engage peacemaking and reconciliation in their communities."
Complete information and registration forms are available on the Youth Events page of the diocesan website. The deadline for registration is Wednesday, March 15, 2017. Questions may be directed to Ashley Scruggs, Youth Missioner at ascruggs@diosova.org.

Ross Wright's translation of Karl Barth commentary on Ephesians published

The Rev. Ross Wright, rector of Good Shepherd, Richmond, is happy to announce the publication of his translation of Karl Barth's Commentary on the Epistle to the Ephesians (Baker Academic Press).

From the Baker catalogue: In 1921-22, the same period he prepared the groundbreaking second edition of his Romans commentary, Barth lectured on the exposition of Ephesians at the University of Göttingen. As he did for his courses on other New Testament texts, Barth lectured from a detailed and carefully researched manuscript. The resulting set of lectures, now available in English for the first time, introduces theological and exegetical issues pertinent to the study of Ephesians. The book also includes introductory essays by two world-renowned scholars, Francis Watson and John Webster.

VIPCare Community Open House on Feb. 21

VIPCare (Virginia Institute of Pastoral Care) is celebrating it's 50th anniversary. They invite you to join them at their Community Open House on Tuesday, February 21 from 4 to 6 p.m. Tour the VIPCare offices and meet pastoral and counseling staff. Enter to win raffle giveaways including a Virginia products gift basket. Refreshments will be served. VIPCare is located at 2000 Bremo Road, Suite 105, Richmond, VA. Questions? Call 804-282-8332.

VIPCare is a pastoral counseling center open to everyone. There is a place for you whether you practice a faith tradition or are searching, whether you are looking for support as you take the next steps in life or you feel stuck and unhappy. VIPCare offers child, individual and group counseling, as well as educational programs and internships.
For more information, contact VIPCare at 804-282-8332 or vipcare@vipcare.org
Visit them online at www.vipcare.org.  

Visit Chanco at an Open House

Have you been hearing about Camp Chanco from your friends and wondered what all the buzz is about? Come see for yourself! Chanco has two open house dates coming up and the events are free and open to the public.  
Visit us on March 4 or May 7 from 1 to 5 pm and meet camp staff, take a tour, enjoy games and activities and fly along a zip line if you dare! Questions? Contact Camp Director Nathan Hoyt at 888-7CHANCO (888-724-2626) or programs@chanco.org.  Bring a friend and remember that for every new friend you refer who registers, you can receive $50 off your own camp tuition.  We look forward to seeing you and your friends on the banks of the James this spring!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Registration open for innovative course: Episcopal Latino Ministry Competency

Registration is now open for the Episcopal Latino Ministry Competency, an innovative nine-day intensive course designed for diocesan staff, clergy, lay leaders, and seminarians to learn cultural competency and ministry to the country's Latino/Hispanic population.     
Offered by the Episcopal Church Office of Latino/Hispanic Ministries in partnership with Seminary of the Southwest, the course will be offered June 18 - 27, 2017, at Seminary of the Southwest in Austin, TX, and will be taught by seminary faculty, lay church leaders and clergy with extensive experience in Latino and intercultural ministry.

Future offerings will be held at Bexley Seabury, Chicago, IL (October 15-24, 2017), and at Bloy House, the Episcopal Theological School at Claremont, CA (June 10-19, 2018).

Click here for more information. Register here.

Women's retreat day

Are you seeking time during Lent for contemplative prayer, music, fellowship and reflection informed by the Celtic tradition? Chanco is hosting a Women's Retreat Day on March 25 for all women ages 18 and older. Come for the day or add an optional overnight retreat on Friday, March 24. Save the date and be on the lookout for registration opening soon. Questions? Contact Ashley Scruggs at ascruggs@diosova.org or 757-213-3393.

Mid-Atlantic Regional Justice Conference in Hampton March 21-23

The Mid-Atlantic Regional Justice Conference will be held March 21-23 at Hampton Roads Convention Center in Hampton, VA. The conference seeks to: Proclaim a vision that restores hope and confronts our "Just Us" lifestyles; share and learn best practices that will enable us to engage with our neighbors, participating in the holistic transformation of our communities, standing together against systems of injustice; and develop and strengthen relationships that move us beyond talk to actually being the change. Workshop tracks include: Welcoming the Stranger; Race Relations and Reconciliation; Environmental Justice; Engaging the Church in Community Development; Economic Development; Youth and Family. Click here for more information and registration.

Upcoming Cursillo events

Cursillo is a movement within the Episcopal Church. It is an adult retreat designed to help us grow closer to Jesus Christ. It's also a community where we're encouraged to live joyfully and serve faithfully in grace. For more information on Cursillo or to apply to be a candidate or a team member, please visit the Cursillo website at www.cursillodiosova.org.

Cursillo Workshop
- February 18, 4 to 6 p.m. at Emmanuel, Virginia Beach. Join us to examine the future of Cursillo. Hot Dogs/Chips and daycare will be provided. For more information contact Charlie Schindler, laydirector@cursillodiosova.org. 
Cursillo #162 Co-Ed Weekend - April 27-30 at Chanco on the James. Rector: Gerry Lopez of Grace Church, Yorktown. To apply to be a candidate or a team member go to www.cursillodiosova.org or contact Gerry at gerrylopez@cox.net.
Cursillo #163 Co-Ed Weekend - September 28-October 1 at Chanco on the James. Rector: Jim Thurmond of St. George's, Newport News. To apply to be a candidate or a team member go to www.cursillodiosova.org  or contact Jim at jdtorsct@cox.net.

Happening & May Weekend registration open!

Happening #66
Happening is an experiential weekend retreat developed by teens for teens. Come and see what it's like to be transformed by God's love! Open to all youth in grades 10-12 and adults who have never attended a Happening program. March 10-12 at Chanco on the James. Click here for information and registration.

May Weekend
May Weekend is weekend retreat for all teens in grades 6-12 at Camp Chanco sponsored by the Episcopal Youth Community Board. Open to all youth in grades 6-12 and their adult advisors. May 20-22 at Chanco on the James. Click here for information and registration.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Clergy transitions

The Rev. Robert Davenport began as Priest in Charge, Time Certain, at Trinity, Portsmouth on January 1

In-town mission opportunity

You don't need a passport to be a missionary. There are many locally-based organizations that need your help. One of those places is St. Paul's, Newport News. Founded in 1883, St. Paul's is located in the heart of downtown Newport News. In their commitment to radical hospitality as proclaimed by Jesus, St. Paul's special mission is to offer compassionate care and voice to people who are hungry, ill, without good and safe shelter, unemployed, excluded, and in despair. St. Paul's functions more like a cathedral than a local church, its ministry transcending parish and denominational lines.
Missionaries needed at St. Paul's:
  • A Treasurer: St. Paul's needs a treasurer who is willing to serve with us for a season.
  • Board Members: St. Paul's is forming a non-profit and is seeking involvement from any of our local partner churches and organizations.
  • Architect: We need an architect who would be able to work with the City of Newport News and help us do some small but important building upgrades to help keep the building relevant to our current needs.
  • Lawyer: It would be helpful to have a lawyer who would be willing to help us navigate the state and federal regulations while we form our non-profit.
  • Builders/Supervisors: We have several people/organizations helping us with the physical upgrades to the facility, but we need more hands, especially those who can visualize a project and help us supervise it to the end.
Call the Rev. Bruce Cheney at St. Paul's, 757-755-6343 for more information on these mission opportunities.

Boys Home quilt raffle

Boys Home of Virginia's 2017 Quilt Raffle is going on now. This year, they are raffling off a 96" x 92" quilt in the Charleston Romance pattern. All proceeds go toward Religious Life at Boys Home. Tickets are $5 for 1 or $45 for 10. A winner will be drawn on March 17, 2017. To enter or for more information, please visit www.boyshomeofva.org/quilt-raffle.

Jackson-Feild receives new cottage furniture

Jackson-Feild Behavioral Health Services (JFBHS) has recently installed special behavioral health furniture in the great room of every cottage. This furniture has replaced crate style furniture which posed as a safety hazard. This new furniture is especially designed to serve mental health populations. It is rugged, durable and hygienic (antimicrobial). It can be easily cleaned and sanitized. It is made of vacuum formed plastic and can withstand the rigors of teenagers with mental health disorders. It also has soft rounded corners for safety.

Funding was provided from a variety of sources including grant funding. Bruton Parish Episcopal Church made a nice gift in support of this effort. Jackson-Feild is very grateful for the help from Episcopalians, ECWs and churches who helped fund this pressing need.

Advisory Council for the Stewardship of Creation accepts applications for grants

The Episcopal Church Advisory Council for the Stewardship of Creation is accepting applications again for grants that focus on local faith-based projects for mitigating climate change and safeguarding the integrity of Creation. The Episcopal Church Advisory Council for the Stewardship of Creation, enabled by Resolution A030, Create Task Force On Climate Change, approved at General Convention 2015, will make recommendations for grants up to $10,000. Click here for application information. Application deadline is March 31.

Episcopal Church relaunches Episcopal Volunteers in Mission

As the Episcopal Church relaunches Episcopal Volunteers in Mission, interested adult candidates are invited to consider opportunities for sharing and learning in locales throughout the Anglican Communion. Through Episcopal Volunteers in Mission, lay or ordained adult Episcopalians (ages 30+) devote six to 12 months volunteering in an area of the Anglican Communion. While the ministry of presence is of prime importance, volunteers have previously contributed as teachers, accountants, doctors, administrators, theologians, agriculturalists, chaplains, and many other areas of ministry.

Click here for information, application and requirements. For more information contact Elizabeth Boe, eboe@episcopalchurch.org or 212-716-6381.