Tuesday, January 31, 2017

James Solomon Russell - Saint Paul's College Museum seeking support

James Solomon Russell
The Saint Paul's College Museum Committee and the James Solomon Russell Commemoration Committee have joined forces to establish the James Solomon Russel/Saint Paul's College Museum and Archives in Lawrenceville, VA. The museum will preserve and display materials from Saint Paul's College. Most of the materials have been collected and housed in the Tourism Office under the authority of the Brunswick County Board of Supervisors. The County's Board of Supervisors has granted the committee use of the old Board of Education building at 219 N. Main Street, Lawrenceville, for displays and other museum uses.
The Museum Committee members are: Chairman-James Grimstead; Vice Chair-Bobby Conner; Secretary-Teya Whitehead; Treasurer-Regina Gordon; and members Carolyn Lofton, Gloria W. Menyweather-Woods, Barbara W. Malone, Sylvia Allen, Rev. Dr. Terrence Walker, Shirley Grimstead, Rev. Carlton Powell, Dr. Angela Parker, Hardi Jones, Alice W. Harris, Cleo Goodwyn, Brenda Herrington, Iris Jones, Marian H. Parker, Rob Rhodes, Stanley W. Johnson and Dr. Virginia Russell (Emeritus).
The committee's goal is to secure the legacy of the late Dr. James Solomon Russell in perpetuity by establishing a museum worthy of this cause. The committee's next step is to obtain non-profit incorporation (pending) and federal 501(c)3 tax exempt status.   Currently, our greatest need is for a computer setup, museum software, a copier and office supplies at a cost of approximately $2000. Donations to support the museum may be sent to: JSR/SPC Museum & Archives, PO Box 551, Lawrenceville, VA 23868.

Leadership Program for Musicians Spring Workshop on March 11

The Leadership Program for Musicians (LPM) will present their spring workshop, "Keyboards, Percussion, Guitars, Oh My! Alternative Expressions of Praise and Worship", on March 11 at Church of the Messiah in Fredericksburg, VA. The workshop will be led by Music Director Keith Tan and Rector, the Rev. Shirley Smith Graham of Christ Church in Glen Allen, VA. Cost is $45 per person. Click here for more information and registration form.

Episcopal Church Foundation hosts Church Leadership Conference at Kanuga

The Episcopal Church Foundation (ECF) has partnered with Kanuga to produce the Church Leadership Conference, February 17-19, featuring keynote speaker is award-winning author and blogger Rachel Held Evans, Searching for Sunday is her latest book and many read her Washington Post article, "Want millennials back in the pews? Stop trying to make church 'cool.'." Featured speaker is the Rev. Canon Frank Logue, of the Diocese of Georgia and blogger at The Loose Canon.
The conference also offers a tremendous line-up of workshops that, in addition to ECF staff,  features presenters from many of our partners throughout the Episcopal Church including Episcopal Relief and Development, Forward Movement, Center for Religion and the Environment. More information and registration is available here.  

Episcopal black bishops poster, booklet available

Updated versions of the poster and booklet featuring all 42 black bishops who have been elected in the Episcopal Church prior to two recent elections are now available from the Office of Black Ministries. The men and women featured in the materials include: the first black bishop in the Episcopal Church, Bishop James Theodore Augustus Holly, consecrated in 1874 as the Bishop of the Diocese of Haiti; the first African-American woman bishop, the Rt. Rev. Barbara Harris of Massachusetts; and the first African-American Presiding Bishop, the Most Rev. Michael B. Curry. The Venerable Carl Wright was elected Bishop Suffragan for Armed Services and Federal Ministries on September 20, 2016, and the Rev. Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows was elected Bishop of the Diocese of Indianapolis on October 28, 2016. Get more info and order the materials here.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Absalom Jones Celebration on Feb. 12

The Annual Absalom Jones Celebration will take place at St. Francis, Virginia Beach, February 12 at 4 p.m.  Everyone is invited to attend. A reception will follow the service.

To include your acolytes and choir in the service, contact St. Francis at 757-340-6884.

After founding a black congregation in 1794, Absalom Jones was the first African American ordained as a priest in the Episcopal Church, in 1804. He is listed on the Episcopal calendar of saints and remembered liturgically on the date of his death, February 13. 

Safe Church classroom training

Registration is now open for the following upcoming Safe Church training classes:
Click here for a complete list of upcoming Safe Church training opportunities, online training, and more info about the Safe Church program.


Get copies of Episcopal Relief & Development's Lenten meditations for your congregation

The 2017 Episcopal Relief & Development Lenten Meditations booklet is now available here. Churches can order booklets in packets of 20 and individuals can sign up to receive it daily in electronic form. Booklet orders must be placed by February 25 to insure delivery by Ash Wednesday. The booklets are free, all you pay is the cost of shipping.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Feb. 1 churchwide webinar: The Episcopal Church Welcomes Refugees

Episcopal Migration Ministries and the Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations are sponsoring an important webinar to discuss the basic root causes of refugee crises and to examine critical questions such as: who is a refugee; how a refugee is resettled to the U.S.; how resettled refugees benefit their communities; and how you can engage with local communities to welcome these new Americans.
The Episcopal Church Welcomes Refugees, a free, one-hour educational webinar, will be held on Wednesday, February 1 at 4 pm Eastern. Registration is required and is available here. The webinar will be available on-demand following the event. Click here for more information.

Episcopal Church Revival in Pittsburgh, Feb. 3-5

The Episcopal Church and the Diocese of Pittsburgh are sponsoring a Revival on February 3-5 in Pittsburgh, PA. The Presiding Bishop's Pilgrimage for Reconciliation, Healing and Evangelism in Southwestern Pennsylvania will feature an ecumenical service of repentance involving local religious and civic leaders, a worship service celebrating Absalom Jones, and other gatherings that invite people across boundaries and into reconciling relationship with each other and with God.

Revivals are multi-day events filled with such elements as energizing worship and prayer services, dynamic preaching, personal testimony and storytelling, topical speakers, offerings from local artists and musicians, engagement with young leaders, intentional outreach with people who are not active in a faith community, and a call to action. Each Revival warmly welcomes neighboring dioceses and ecumenical participation.

Many of the Pittsburgh events will be live-streamed or available on demand. Get more info here.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Theological scholarships available, applications due April 1

The Hampton Roads Community Foundation is currently accepting applications for the numerous theological education scholarships. The 2017-2018 theological scholarship application is due April 1, 2017. Students should go to www.hamptonroadscf.org  to view the list of available scholarships and complete an online application. Scholarships include:
  • Barron F. Black Theological Scholarship- For students at Virginia Theological Seminary (Alexandria, VA) who are candidates for the ministry. Students must be residents of the geographic region served by the Diocese of Southern Virginia.
  • Richard D. and Sheppard R. Cooke Memorial Scholarship - For students from Hampton Roads attending Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond who are candidates for the ministry. Preference will be given to students from Norfolk churches within the Presbytery of Eastern Virginia.
  • William F. Miles Scholarship - For a student from Hampton Roads who is preparing for leadership in a field of religious service.
  • Reverend Doctor Joyce G. Moss Theologian Scholarship- For students attending Richmond Virginia Seminary or Regent University School of Divinity with the intent of pursuing a full-time career in Christian ministry.  Preference will be given to full-time graduate students who have at least a 3.0 grade point average. 
  • Hy Smith Endowment Fund- For students at Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria who are candidates for the ministry. Students must be residents of the geographic region served by the Diocese of Southern Virginia.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land with Bishop Jay Magness and Bishop Hollerith

Join the Rt. Rev. Jay Magness, pilgrimage leader, and Bishop Hollerith on this life-changing trip October 17-28, 2017.
Through the assistance of Lightline Pilgrimages, this pilgrimage has been designed just for the Diocese of Southern Virginia. Pilgrims will have the incredible opportunity to walk in the places where Jesus walked and seeing many of the things that our Lord saw.
This pilgrimage is limited to 35 people.  The registration deadline is February 18. After that we will open up the registration to persons outside of the diocese.
Click here for the pilgrimage brochure which includes a detailed itinerary and registration form.

Register now for Vestry Training Days and Bishop's Day with Senior Wardens

Photo courtesy of John Fountain 
Registration for Vestry Training Days and Bishop's Day with Senior Wardens is now open! Click on the links below for more info and registration.

Healthy, skilled vestries who understand their role in the life of the church and their relationship to the clergy and congregation are essential in creating and maintaining vital congregations. Vestry Training Days in  2017 will be: 
  • February 18 at St. Timothy's, Clarksville
  • February 25 at St. David's, North Chesterfield
  • March 4 at Eastern Shore Chapel, Virginia Beach
Bishop's Day with Senior Wardens will be held March 4 at Eastern Shore Chapel, Virginia Beach (concurrent with Vestry Training Day).

Save the date: Spring youth events

Mark you calendar for these great Spring youth events:
  • Happening #66 - March 10-12 at Chanco on the James. Open to all youth in grades 10-12 and adult advisors who have never attended a Happening program.
  • May Weekend - May 19-21 at Chanco on the James. For grades 6-12 and their adult advisors. Join teens from all over the Diocese for a spring retreat at Chanco! EYC Board elections will also take place during this weekend.
For more information about these events, contact Youth Missioner Ashley Scruggs, ascruggs@diosova.org or 757-213-3393.

Save the date: Stewardship Conversations

The Stewardship Commission is hosting informal gatherings for parish stewardship lay leaders to share successes and challenges with parish giving programs. The schedule for the first quarter of 2017 is:
  • March 11 - St. Matthias, Midlothian
  • March 18 - Old Donation, Virginia Beach
  • March 25 - St. James/St. George - Eastern Shore
  • March 25 - Good Shepherd, Norfolk
All sessions begin at 10:00 am. Additional dates and locations will be scheduled. Visit the Stewardship Commission's page for more stewardship resources and information to assist your parish leadership. 

Clergy retreat: Healing the Shepherds

The Rev. Nigel Mumford (Galilee, Virginia Beach) will lead "Healing the Shepherds",  a 24-hour private retreat for clergy of all denominations, January 18-19 at the Holiday Inn, 900 Atlantic Avenue, Virginia Beach. Cost is $125 per person. Overnight accommodations are available at a special rate of $59 per night. Click here for more information and registration.