This Saturday,
March 29 from 1 to 5 pm is a FREE event open to the public! Meet our
Executive Director and some of our staff and friends, take a tour, see a
video, learn more about the best camp in Virginia, and fly
along a zip line if you dare (this means you too, parents)! Bring a
friend! Remember for every new camper who registers that you refer, you
receive $50 off your own camp tuition! So introduce a best friend to
Chanco this Saturday and share the fun! Hope to see you there!
Questions? Contact us at or 888-7-CHANCO (888-724-2626).
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Kindling Conference created for young adult ministry leaders
Registration is now open for a visionary Episcopal conference for young adult ministry leaders called Kindling,
July 28 - 31 at the Humphrey Center, University of Minnesota in
Minneapolis, MN. Designed for leaders in ministry with young adults both
on and off college campuses, Kindling will provide an opportunity for
those seasoned in these ministries as well as new leaders with young
adults to meet, share, discuss and, mostly, learn from each other.
"Our goal in convening Kindling is to equip ministry leaders for engaging young adults where they live, work, and study," said the Rev. Mike Angell, Missioner for Young Adult and Campus Ministries. "Building a ministry with young adults is like building campfire. You have to pay attention to the kindling, your initial source of heat, for your work to catch fire. This conference is designed to provide those initial sparks of creative ideas, community and inspiration for leaders working with young adults in The Episcopal Church."
Registration and conference information can be found here.
"Our goal in convening Kindling is to equip ministry leaders for engaging young adults where they live, work, and study," said the Rev. Mike Angell, Missioner for Young Adult and Campus Ministries. "Building a ministry with young adults is like building campfire. You have to pay attention to the kindling, your initial source of heat, for your work to catch fire. This conference is designed to provide those initial sparks of creative ideas, community and inspiration for leaders working with young adults in The Episcopal Church."
Convocation 6 ECW meeting
The Petersburg Convocation 6 ECW Board will meet at Christ & Grace,
Petersburg, following the 12:15 p.m. Lenten Service on April 8. Lunch
will be offered by the Ladies of Christ & Grace for $5. If you are
in the area, please join us for this annual networking opportunity. The
speaker for the Service will be the Rev. David Davenport.
Share a link and help support Mission of the Holy Spirit

Tuesday, March 25, 2014
May Weekend is May 16-18 at Chanco

Convocation 5 to host Liturgical Arts Festival

For two thousand years,
the Liturgy of the Christian Church has inspired some the world's
most beautiful works of art--music, architecture, sculpture, stained
glass, textiles, etc. The Anglican tradition has produced its own
unique flavor in countless examples of liturgical art, growing out of
the traditions and cultures of parishes. These unique offerings come
from hundreds of thousands of loving hands, hearts, and voices.
Churches in
Convocation 5 (Jamestown Convocation) will host a Liturgical Arts
Festival May 30 through June 8. The festival will provide opportunities
for parishes to learn from each other and to share their knowledge.
The festival will include:
- Concerts & Performances
- Workshops
- Exhibits of Hangings & Vestments
- Activities
- Sharing and Networking
BCP app available from Church Publishing, Inc.

Webinar: Using Visual Social Media to Embrace the Sacred and Build Community
Visual social
media, notably Pinterest and Instagram, are considered must-have-and-use
platforms among secular social media experts. Within the past year or
so, church communicators and religion educators have become enthusiastic
about these social media platforms. Author and communicator Meredith
Gould will host this online exploration of visual social media. Join her
on May 13, 7 to 8 p.m. to learn: why visual social media platforms work especially well for faith-based organizations; how to use visual social media platforms strategically and tactically; and tips for setting up and managing accounts to optimize their value.
The webinar includes time for Q&A, so be sure to bring questions and concerns. Cost is $10. Click here for details and registration.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Bishop Hollerith heads to House of Bishops meeting this week
The Episcopal Church House of Bishops will meet at the Camp Allen
Conference and Retreat Center in Navasota, TX (Diocese of Texas) March
21-25. Meeting in retreat, the theme for the gathering
will be "How Shall We Sing the Lord's Song in a Strange Land." The
schedule calls for prayer-filled sessions, and bishops will participate
in daily Bible study, reflection and worship. Presentations and
discussion will focus on mission of the Church.
As in previous years, this spring meeting of the House of Bishop is a retreat and therefore not open to the media. However, Daily Accounts, along with other related information, will be prepared by HOB members and released. You can follow those via Episcopal News Service.
James Solomon Russell Celebration cancelled
The James Solomon Russell Celebration planned for March 30 at St. Stephen's, Petersburg has been cancelled.
St. Stephen's, Petersburg, invites you to join them for the dedication of an historical marker for Bishop Payne Divinity School on March 29, at 11 a.m.
Established in 1878, the school began as the Theological Department
of the St. Stephen's Episcopal Church Normal and Industrial School,
and for more than 70 years it prepared black men for the priesthood in
the Episcopal Church. The Rev. Giles B. Cooke headed the vocational
school and was instrumental in developing the divinity school. Later,
the school was named for the Rt. Rev. John Payne, first bishop of
Liberia. For more information about the dedication and historical
marker, contact the Rev. Willis Foster, or 804-733-6228.
Golfing for Jackson-Feild's children
Homes is seeking golfers for its annual golf tournament to be held
Thursday, May 8th at the Country Club at the Highlands in Chesterfield
County. Proceeds from the tournament will be used to support
Jackson-Feild Homes' Expressive Arts and Education programs.
The 19th annual
tournament will be held Thursday, Hardees is the title sponsor and
Modern Woodmen of America is the presenting sponsor of this event. Lunch
is served from noon to 1:00 p.m. followed by the captain's choice
tournament. Golfers are given the opportunity to purchase raffle tickets
for a variety of items and the drawing is held at the awards dinner at
the conclusion of play.
Close to $400,000
has been raised since from previous tournaments. These funds are used to
operate our summer program which operates afternoons after summer
school has been dismissed. They are also used to support specific events
and activities such as our college and career day, beautiful me
program, dances, community service opportunities and trips and outings.
For more information contact Tod Balsbaugh, or 804-354-6929.
e-Formation: A conference on faith formation for a connected, digital world
The Center for the Ministry of Teaching (CMT) at Virginia Theological Seminary (VTS) is sponsoring e-Formation: A conference on faith formation for a connected, digital world June
2-4 in Alexandria. The annual event began in 2012 to fill a leadership
and training need in the faith formation/Christian education community.
Last summer,
almost 200 Christian educators and communicators, lay and ordained and
from several denominations, converged on VTS to learn from experts and
peers about using technology for forming faith in congregations and
other ministry settings. Many of these participants will return to an
expanded 2014 program at the Washington, DC-area seminary in what is
expected to be an even larger gathering.
"The first
e-Formation was strictly a learning exchange," says Lisa Kimball, CMT
Director and Professor of Christian Formation and Congregational
Leadership. "We knew we didn't have all the answers about faith,
learning, and technology, but we knew many friends and colleagues were
thinking carefully and working hard. We brought them together to teach
each other."
In 2013, the event
expanded to a full-fledged professional and missional development
conference. The 2014 conference features a yet larger slate of
well-known speakers and exemplary practitioners, as well as a creative
menu of participatory workshop formats and topics. These include
intensive courses on Google tools and video production; introductory
sessions on blogging, online learning, and digital curriculum resources;
break-out groups organized by ministry setting and age group; and two
public evening presentations about the big picture of using technology
in faith learning.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Diocesan Partnership representative visits Southern Virginia

Episcopal Church Chief
Operating Officer Bishop Stacy Sauls announced this innovative
missionary program in July 2013. The program is designed to connect
dioceses and staff in a collaborative manner. "Our
Episcopal Church yearns for connection," Bishop Sauls explained. "Our
people want to be connected. Our leaders are looking for
opportunities to be connected. Through the Diocesan Partnership
Representatives, the DFMS (Domestic and Foreign
Missionary Society) staff can assist in connecting and offering
resources to our dioceses and congregations."
The purpose and goals of the Diocesan Partnership Program are twofold: to make resources available at the local levels;
and to build networks and partnerships to connect people across
geography. The Diocesan Partnership Representatives are DFMS staff
members who will work together to connect the Church across a vast
geographical area in 16 countries through Virtual Regional Offices. The
Virtual Regional Offices, Bishop Sauls said, "will consist of
representatives of DFMS staff from Formation, Diversity, Congregational
and Diocesan Ministries, Global Partnerships, Government Relations,
Episcopal Migration Ministries, Development, and Communications."
A Diocesan Partnership Representative has been assigned to each diocese in The Episcopal Church. "The Diocesan
Partnership Representatives will connect the dioceses and provinces
within their regions with mission efforts at the most local level in
partnership with the local bishop, clergy, and lay leaders," Bishop
Sauls noted. "They will be ambassadors, consultants, links, and
colleagues in mission with those on the ground, bringing a global
perspective to local action, visible reminders that all of us are
connected, that each has need of all the others in the service of
Christ's reconciling mission in the world."
CE-Net Speaker Series: Confirmation
Join us on Thursday, March 27, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Hickory
Neck Church, Toano, for the next installment in CE-Net's Speaker Series.
Jenifer Gamber, author of "My Faith, My Life", and Director of
Christian Formation at St. Anne's Church in Trexeltown, PA, will lead us
in an honest conversation about the challenges of providing
Confirmation instruction for young people. The cost is $15, which
includes lunch. Click here for more information and registration.
Register now for Administrative & Financial Best Practices Workshop on May 15
us on Thursday, May 15, at Grace Church, Yorktown for a day designed
especially for parish administrators, treasurers, and anyone (staff or
volunteer) involved in the financial or administrative functions of your
church. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn, ask questions, share
your experiences, and connect with your colleagues in other churches.
Topics will include: compensation, audits and internal controls, health
insurance, electronic giving and more. Watch the eNews and our website
for more details coming soon.
If you missed last year's workshop, listen to what participants had to say:
- "I learned so much ...great handouts for future reference"
- "I look forward to the next workshop!"
- "Loved it. Great info & awesome lunch"
- "very informative"
If you did come last year, this year's workshop offers new topics and speakers. Don't miss it!
Registration fee $20 (includes lunch). Click here for more information and online registration.
Clergy, mark your calendars for these important events
Renewal of Ordination Vows
of Ordination Vows will be held on Wednesday, April 16 at 10 a.m. at
St. John's, Hampton and at 2:30 p.m. at St. Barnabas', Richmond.
Spring Clergy Conference
for the Spring Clergy Conference opens soon. Mark your calendar and
plan to join us on Tuesday, May 13 at Chanco on the James.
ECW Annual Spring Meeting: How to transform your ECW - the Redeemer success story
years ago, the ECW at Redeemer, Midlothian, like many ECWs in the
Diocese of Southern Virginia, struggled to survive. Then, they decided
to transform their ECW program. Today, meetings are well-attended.
Volunteers gladly help with outreach and service projects and enjoy
enriching fellowship.
What inspired the women of Redeemer, and how did they accomplish this transformation?
Come to the ECW Spring Annual Meeting at Good Shepherd, McKenney, VA,
May 17 to hear first-hand how they did it. Redeemer ECW board members
who drove the ECW transformation will share their success story. To RSVP, contact Louise Boss, 757-678-5331, by May 5.
Mission of the Holy Spirit flowery fundraiser

New website offers ways to assist Navajoland
from The Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs

David Bailey notes, "More than half of the Navajo people in the United
States live in Navajoland. There are a significant number of homes
without plumbing, heating or electricity. As a church it is important
for us to have a witness to the Navajo, and to take steps for the area
to be self-sustaining."
Episcopal Church Navajoland Area Mission encompasses more than 26,000
square miles in Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. While it began its work
in 1889, the Episcopal Church Navajoland Area Mission was established in
1978. As stated on the new website: Yet today there is a new spirit and
energy in this land - exploring sustainable farming and aquaponics,
expanding retreat opportunities, and working to heal addictions.
Donations of time, talent and treasure through this website will help to
further the work of The Episcopal Church in Navajoland. That work
involves healing the wounds of the past so that new beginnings may
emerge - leading to an indigenous clergy, economic self-sufficiency, and
a deeper appreciation of the unique gifts the Navajos bring to The
Episcopal Church and to the world.
How to help
Check the website for opportunities to help sustain Navajoland. Volunteers are needed, especially carpenters, experienced roofers, licensed electricians, licensed plumbers, and painters. Listed on the website are various levels to assist with donations. The items range from household needs and doors to computers and paint. Essential repairs to buildings mean that the facilities can be used for programs, such as afterschool, computer training, or for rental income to help pay for clergy salaries and program needs. For more information contact Elizabeth Lowell,
Check the website for opportunities to help sustain Navajoland. Volunteers are needed, especially carpenters, experienced roofers, licensed electricians, licensed plumbers, and painters. Listed on the website are various levels to assist with donations. The items range from household needs and doors to computers and paint. Essential repairs to buildings mean that the facilities can be used for programs, such as afterschool, computer training, or for rental income to help pay for clergy salaries and program needs. For more information contact Elizabeth Lowell,
Buildings for a New Tomorrow conference
The Episcopal Church Building Fund invites you to attend
Buildings for a New Tomorrow conference in Fort Lauderdale, FL, April
28-30. This conference was created to bring people together to discuss
the complex issues of church buildings, in an open, honest and
realistic forum. It also challenges people to think differently - about
their buildings, what they represented, how they supported ministry
(or do they?); how to use them for revenue, and when to close them.
Participants and presenters come from across the country to challenge
themselves and each other to think differently, and to explore ways of
using their buildings as an asset and to become thriving hubs of their
community. Click here for more information.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Presiding Bishop's Lenten reflection 2014
Click here for video of this message.
- Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori

The reality is
that the season of Lent, which Christians have practiced for so many
centuries, is about the same kind of yearning for greater light in the
world, whether you live in the Northern Hemisphere or the Southern
The word "Lent"
means "lengthen" and it's about the days getting longer. The early
Church began to practice a season of preparation for those who would be
baptized at Easter, and before too long other members of the Christian
community joined those candidates for baptism as an act of solidarity.
It was a season
during which Christians and future Christians learned about the
disciplines of the faith - prayer and study and fasting and giving alms,
sharing what they have.
But the reality is
that, particularly in the Northern Hemisphere, the lengthening days
were often times of famine and hunger, when people had used up their
winter food stores and the spring had not yet produced more food to feed
people. Acting in solidarity with those who go hungry is a piece of
what it means to be a Christian. To be a follower of Jesus is to seek
the healing of the whole world.
And Lent is a time
when we practice those disciplines as acts of solidarity with the
broken and hungry and ill and despised parts of the world.
I would invite you
this Lent to think about your Lenten practice as an exercise in
solidarity with all that is - with other human beings and with all of
creation. That is most fundamentally what Jesus is about. He is about
healing and restoring that broken world.
So as you enter
Lent, consider how you will live in solidarity with those who are
hungry, or broken, or ill in one way or another.
May you have a blessed Lent this year, and may it yield greater light in the world.
Apply NOW for ECW Scholarships
The Episcopal
Church Women's Elise Holladay Scholarship provides assistance to men and
women for continued education beyond high school in undergraduate study
only. In 2013, the ECW awarded $12,200.00 to 14 students throughout the
diocese. The Beverley D. Tucker Scholarship provides assistance to men
and women in church-related training in an accredited Episcopal Church
training school. The deadline to apply is April 30. Click here for online scholarship applications. Questions? Contact Susan Broaddus, ECW Student Work Chair at 757-623-0205 or
National Episcopal Health Ministries 6th Annual Conference is May 7-10 in New Orleans

News from Mission of the Holy Spirit
By Keith Josey, Lay Pastor, Mission of the Holy Spirit

As we look across
the landscape of the communities served by this ministry, we see the
value of our presence and the work that God has called us to do.
Shattered pieces of broken lives are being made whole again at the
Mission of the Holy Spirit. Our journey to heal the hurts
that bind requires your prayers and support. As we strive to serve God's
people, many lives are being changed. At the Mission of the Holy Spirit
we are working to empower families in a variety of ways, but it is
through partnerships with you that we are able to continue to provide
life-changing experiences to the people we serve.
One example of
such an experience was in January when youth from Convocation 3 and
eleven of our members went on a ski trip. This adventure not only
provided a fun outlet, but it also opened hearts and created new
relationships that will last a lifetime.
Each day, there
are opportunities for growth and ministry that surround us, and I invite
you to seek out ways to strengthen your relationship with the Mission
of the Holy Spirit by giving your time and/or resources to a powerful
ministry that is uplifting so many lives.
Boys' Home debuts new branding efforts with a little help from students at VCU

Kelly O'Keefe, a
Boys Home of Virginia Board member, and a Brandcenter professor, agreed.
"These new materials reflect an effort to let people know about this
remarkable organization and its outreach and impact," said O'Keefe,
whose students (now graduated) volunteered to create a Boys Home
marketing campaign built around the theme, "A successful man has to
start somewhere."
"All I asked for
was a few volunteers to go with me to the Boys Home one Saturday morning
to see the school." O'Keefe said. "I got more than I bargained for when
18 students signed up. Donnie Wheatley said, 'Don't worry, I'll bring
the bus.' So we all went together. When we got back, the students were
so impressed by the kids and staff at the Boys Home, they set to work on
the campaign."
About 75 boys were
enrolled at the Boys Home of Virginia over the course of 2013; many
came needing a change in venue. "We like to say we're helping young men
who have great promise, but limited opportunities," said Wheatley. And
he should know, as he was once a Boys Home resident himself. "I believe
strongly that there is a place for residential education, and I want to
continue to build on the things that work, and provide a place for those
children who are probably not going to be served in other ways," he
"The Boys Home of
Virginia is different than other organizations because it provides a
solution for children who might be walking a difficult path in their
lives for no other reason than there simply isn't the right structure
available," explained Len Slater, a Boys Home Board member. The bucolic
setting of the school in Covington provides a place for boys to grow and
flourish - physically, personally and spiritually. Besides class work,
there is time for play and sports. The Boys Home of Virginia also
maintains a Christmas tree farm in West Augusta, Va. year-round, so
students can learn basic farming tasks and the satisfaction that comes
from doing a job, and doing it well.
affection for Boys Home is infectious, and his energy and ability to
interest others in the school never seems to wane. "This is not about
doing a job," he explains. "It's about living a life."
About the Boys Home of Virginia
Boys Home was
founded in 1906 and continues to provide a non-denominational, nurturing
residential and educational environment for boys from all over Virginia
and beyond. The mission of Boys Home is help each resident strive
toward becoming a productive member of society, by developing his
potential, spiritually, mentally, physically and socially.
Jackson-Feild Homes re-accredited by the Council on Accreditation

The Council noted in its letter that "re-accreditation
is a tremendous achievement that demonstrates that Jackson-Feild is
recognized as a provider that continues to successfully implement high
performance standards and, as such, is delivering the highest quality
services to all of its stakeholders.
provides an objective and reliable verification instilling confidence
and support to Jackson-Feild's parents, donors, board members, community
partners and stakeholders. The accreditation process involves a
detailed review and analysis of both the administrative operation and
service delivery practices. They are "measured" against national
standards of best practice. The standards emphasize that Jackson-Feild's
operations and practices are accessible, appropriate, responsive,
evidence-based and outcomes-oriented. It confirms that services are
provided by a skilled and supportive workforce and that children are
treated with dignity and respect. Accreditation is conferred on the
entire organization and not just one specific program or service with
the intent to inspire confidence, credibility, integrity and achievement
in Jackson-Feild Homes.
Tricia Delano,
Executive Director, commented that "This is a wonderful milestone. A
great deal of time and hard work went into this process but it is well
worth the investment of time, energy and effort. I salute our dedicated
staff members who made this happen.
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