"At Christmas, God says
to his creation, I'm willing to experience what you experience, to feel
what you feel, to think what you think, to laugh as you laugh, and to
suffer as you suffer. I am willing to draw you and the whole world to
myself. It's so simple and so elegant. A birth, a gesture of
insignificant proportion and yet one of infinite consequence." Click here to watch Bishop Hollerith's message. A transcript of his message is available here.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Diocesan office closes for holidays
Bishop Hollerith and his
staff wish everyone in Southern Virginia a very Merry Christmas and
happy New Year! The diocesan office will be closed December 24 through
January 1 for the Christmas and New Year holidays.
Seeds of Hope: Mission of the Holy Spirit
The last in a series about the recipients of this year's Seeds of Hope
Grants to develop and expand social justice ministries in Southern
Virginia. Learn more about Seeds of Hope grants here.

"Life is a Choice - Get Smart About Your Health!" program presents
healthy lifestyle choices to the Mission's children and families. Most
programs of the Mission are focused on at-risk youth, but this effort
brings in family members so that each family works together to improve
their health. The program addresses topics like disease prevention,
nutrition and exercise and helps families to make healthier choices.

Mission of the Holy Spirit began as a ministry of the Diocese of
Southern Virginia in 1993 to address spiritual, physical, emotional and
educational needs of inner city "at risk" youth in the Norfolk area. For
many participants, the Mission has provided the first, and perhaps
only, opportunity to hear and experience the Good News of Jesus Christ. A
Sunday worship service and dinner have been the core activity of the
Mission as well as regularly schedule weekday activities. Most
participants suffer from socio-economic related health issues such as
obesity, heart disease, diabetes, asthma, and poor nutrition. The "Life
is a Choice" program will encourage exercise, an active lifestyle, good
nutrition, disease prevention, and an understanding of why good health
is so important.
second Seeds of Hope Grant project is "Building Dreams," a new
partnership with the Canterbury Center at Old Dominion University. For
younger members of the Mission, the program will focus on reading,
elementary level skills and completion of homework. Older members will
receive coaching in the skills necessary to be successful in school. The
program will be presented one evening each week and will include a
nutritious dinner.
the Mission was started, few of the participants had much hope of
graduating from high school. In June 2012, six members graduated from
high school and five of them are now attending college. Several other
members are starting their second or third year in college. By
incorporating the skills and dedication of the Canterbury Center
students with a planned tutoring program, the Mission hopes to encourage
more youth to seek success in education.
You can learn more about the Mission of the Holy Spirit at www.missionoftheholyspirit.org,
or like them on Facebook (MissionOfTheHolySpirit).
Presiding Bishop's Christmas message
The people who
walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of
deep darkness - on them light has shined. (Isaiah 9:2) These words were
spoken long ago to people living in anxiety, fear, and despair, people
feeling bereft of security, safety, and any sense of God's presence. We
hear them early on Christmas, forgetting that they were first spoken
hundreds of years before the birth we celebrate. Human beings across
this planet still yearn to know that a more gracious and divine reality
is active and evident in our lives.
The birth we
celebrate is meant for this world mired in darkness and fear, yet it
also becomes easier to discover in a tiny voice crying in protest over
being cold and wet and hungry. We hear that cry in the midst of war's
ravages in Congo and Afghanistan, in the rubble of hurricane and
earthquake, in the demeaning of chronic poverty, behind prison bars.
That flickering of hope surges as the world turns to investigate this
surprising new life, one heart at a time. The light grows as hearts
catch fire with the same light that illumines the stars, pulsing hope
and new life, even out of black holes. Those who search in dark and
despair, in dank dungeon and deep devastation, will find divine light
given for the world. Light that will not be put out, so long as any
creature remains to receive it, until and beyond the end of time. The
darkness will never put it out.
The light shines
in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. (John 1:5) Go and
look - and discover the love of God poured into our world in human
form. Hope reigns abroad, in the cosmos and in human hearts. And
rejoice, for a child of the light is born in our midst!
The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori
Presiding Bishop and Primate, The Episcopal Church
Presiding Bishop and Primate, The Episcopal Church
Resources for Recovery Ministry for addictions
We now have the "12-Step
Liturgies and Intercessions" CD and booklet, "Addiction: Helping Priest
and Parish Heal," available for parishes. These resources for recovery
ministry for alcoholism, drug and other addictions are available from
the Formation office. Contact Caroline Black for more information, cblack@diosova.org or 757-213-3377.
Safe Church training dates in 2013
Church classroom training dates for 2013 have been set and can be found
on our website. There is at least one training in each of our nine
Convocations. You can find the list on the Workshops, Training & Events page of our website.
American Friends of Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem offer workshop in Richmond
American Friends
of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem invites Christians concerned about
the future of the church in the Holy Land to an AFEDJ Missioner Workshop on Saturday, January 12, 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at St. Stephen's, 6000 Grove Avenue, Richmond. The workshop is free of charge and lunch will be provided.
For over a century
and a half, the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem has served the Christian
Community in the Holy Land - a community dating from the time of Jesus.
Today the Diocese supports 29 parishes, 13 schools, two hospitals
(including the major El Ahli Arab hospital in Gaza), and other
institutions in Palestine, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. Since
1996, members of AFEDJ have helped sustain the Diocese of Jerusalem with
public support and financial aid, providing over $20 million in
medical, school and infant supplies as well as cash gifts.
At this workshop,
Anne Lynn, AFEDJ executive director, with other leaders, will present a
lively program where missioners and individuals interested in becoming
missioners (young and old, lay or ordained) will get to know each other,
share how each of us discovered this compelling cause and what we may
already be doing in this ministry, and explore new initiatives. For more
information contact Anne Lynn, Executive Director of AFEDJ, aklynn@afedj.org.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Upcoming events for youth and youth leaders
Vocations Exploration Retreat for Youth
January 18-20 at
the Gunn Center at Talbot Hall. For grades 9-12. Spend a weekend
discerning your individual gifts, future possibilities for ministry, and
career opportunities. Click here to download the application.
Youth Leader Gathering
January 25-26 at
Chanco on the James. 7:00 p.m. on Friday- 3:00 p.m. on Saturday. Come to
Chanco on the James for an overnight retreat with adults who work with
youth from around the diocese. The event will provide opportunities to
network, problem-solve, learn, and be refreshed. Contact Youth Missioner
Ashley Scruggs for more information or to register.
Happening #59
March 8-10 at Chanco on the James. Happening is a Christian
renewal program designed for youth in grades 10-12. The focal point of
the weekend is learning and experiencing the love of Christ. Click here for more information and online registration. Click here to download the staff application.
Blackstone Weekend
March 22-24,
VUMAC, Blackstone. For grades 8-12. Join teens from all over the diocese
for a spring retreat at the Virginia United Methodist Assembly Center
in Blackstone, VA! The event includes a variety of activities and
opportunities to make new friends and learn more about the church. A
special service for Palm Sunday and EYC Board elections will also take
place during this weekend, as well as small groups, singing, socials,
and so much more! Click here for more information and online registration. Click here to download the 2013-2014 EYC Board Application.
Seeds of Hope: Community collaboration to fight poverty
The sixth of seven in a series about the recipients of this year's
Seeds of Hope Grants to develop and expand social justice ministries in
Southern Virginia. Learn more about Seeds of Hope grants here.

The CAPS model for
addressing poverty is to create a central intake center for Suffolk at
which a Services Coordinator will handle requests for assistance that
usually go to churches. Rather than each church handling requests
individually, churches will direct requests for assistance to CAPS. The
coordinator is based at the Salvation Army office in Suffolk. The
program provides a one-stop center for a variety of types of assistance.
CAPS' vision is
that Suffolk churches and organizations are united and empowered to
accomplish Christ's commission. That individuals and families live with
dignity as they participate in CAPS ministries and experience the
holistic Gospel transformation.
You can learn more about CAPS at www.capsuffolk.com or like them on Facebook (CAPSuffolk).
EfM Mentor training January 17-19
EfM (Education for Ministry) Mentor
Training will be held January 17-19 at Chanco on the James. At
present, both Basic In-Service and Formation training (Transition in
the midst of a Changing World) are planned. If you are interested in
attending this training, please contact Ann Meyer, Diocesan EfM
Coordinator, 757-229-1111 or ann@stmartinswmbg.org. Click here for more information and a registration form.
Join the Mission of the Holy Spirit in changing the lives of young people
By Hank Luhring, Chair, Mission of the Holy Spirit Board of Directors
At a recent Sunday
service, Pastor Keith Josey announced that Tiffani Satterwhite had just
been accepted to Mary Baldwin College! All the kids at the Mission of
the Holy Spirit were very excited. Tiffani is a shining example of how
the Mission works with kids to succeed despite the problems they face in
their lives.
The Mission has
developed into a community of people looking out for each other,
celebrating their successes, and also being there when life is not so
good. To me, the Mission is a vivid example of Christianity in action.
These kids who face tons more obstacles than most of us come to the
Mission and leave with hope: the hope that, despite the bad, God's
kingdom is manifest here on earth.
The Mission is
doing more than ever. The Sunday service has anywhere from 60 to 80
people in attendance. On Tuesday and Thursday evenings we average 23
kids, being served by 4-8 volunteers. We provide meals on these two
nights, as well as on Sundays. So far this year, over 5,000 meals have
been served to children at the Mission. We delivered Thanksgiving
baskets to over 50 families last month.
We are helping
more children and more families than ever before, and are doing it for
less. Funding is down 56% from its peak in 2007, yet we serve more kids
with more programs.
Because of this,
your contribution is more important than ever. It's through your
generosity that we can keep the buses running, pay to heat the building,
provide meals on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, and operate a food
pantry so that families don't go hungry.
Your tax-deductible donation to the Mission helps tremendously. As
we transition from a season of thanksgiving to one of Christ coming
into this world, your donation will help these children overcome
adversity through Christian hope and good works.
Help make Christmas merry at Jackson-Feild Home
all children have wonderful Christmas memories. What should be a joyous
season is often a painful one for the children at Jackson-Feild Homes.
They do not have a loving family ... and a majority of their Christmas
memories are unhappy ones.
For most of us the
Christmas season is filled with symbols and traditions that are happy
and fun. Unfortunately for the girls and boys at Jackson-Feild Homes
they have been denied these happy holiday rituals. Christmas triggers
memories of past trauma which causes sadness and depression. One
child's holiday memories include waking up on Christmas morning to find
out her mother had sold the toys they received from a community program
to buy drugs. As difficult as it is to hear true stories like this, can
you image how that child felt when there wasn't a single present under
the tree for her?
But you can help
make this Christmas the best one the girls and boys at Jackson-Feild
have ever had - one they will cherish for a lifetime. The staff at
Jackson-Feild Homes goes to great lengths to make Christmas as special
as possible - funds permitting.
Jackson-Feild is
asking you to make a donation to help ensure that Christmas wishes come
true for each and every child in their care These wishes include gifts,
decorations, special holiday meals and seasonal outings and activities. To
make a gift send your tax deductible contribution to Jackson-Feild
Homes, 546 Walnut Grove Drive, Jarratt, Virginia 23867. Or visit their
web site, www.jacksonfeild.org, to make an online or credit card gift. If you have any questions please call the Development Office at 804-354-6929.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Seeds of Hope: St. Matthew's expands ministry to the hungry in Chesterfield

St. Matthew's,
Chesterfield, was awarded a Seeds of Hope Grant to help them make
improvements to their food pantry ministry. The grant-funded project
will allow them to weatherize and outfit an existing garage on their
property so that it can be used to store and refrigerate food for their
food pantry.

121st Annual Council registration is open
for the 121st Annual Council is now open. Council is February 15-16 at
the Williamsburg Lodge. This year's them is "Let the EPIC Adventure of
Church Begin" with keynote speaker Lisa Kimball, Ph.D. Get the latest
Council information and access online registration for delegates and
exhibitors on our website.
Annual Council nominations deadline is December 14, 2012. More information and nomination form are available here.
Please complete and mail the Nomination Form by December 14, 2012 to
Leah Sicignano, 600 Talbot Hall Road, Norfolk, VA 23505. All
nominations must be received by mail as they require original
CE-Net speaker series welcomes Sharon Pearson
The CE-Net Quarterly Speaker Series welcomes Sharon Pearson, Christian Formation Specialist for Church Publishing,
on January 17, 11 a.m., at Hickory Neck, Toano. In addition to sharing
the latest available resources, Sharon will talk about how to adapt
curricula and resources to fit your particular context. Registration
is necessary and a $5 charge for lunch. Please contact Judy Rieken at jrieken@diosova.org to sign up.
Boys' Home offers gift that fits everyone

To order, call Sandra at 540-965-7714 or e-mail sfscruggs@boyshomeinc.org with
the total number of cards desired and specify either honor or memorial
cards. Or send your entire card list to 414 Boys' Home Road, Covington,
VA 24426 and Boys' Home staff will address and mail. No need to worry
about shopping - this is a good gift for everyone on your list!
Boys' Home, Inc.
was founded in 1906 as a home and school for children in this remote
mountainous region of Virginia. Soon, the need for a home for homeless
boys, in addition to the educational concerns, expanded its program.
Today, Boys' Home continues to help boys whose families either cannot or
will not provide for them the support and shelter they need and
deserve. Our focus is young men who have great potential, but limited
opportunities for success. The stated mission of Boys' Home is to help
each young man in residence to strive towards becoming a productive
member of society by developing his mental, physical, social and
spiritual potentials.
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