Thursday, May 10, 2018

Needed items for Jackson-Feild children

For years the ages of majority of the children served by Jackson-Field has been 15-18 years old. A recent and growing trend is the placement of children ages 11-14. Consequently, Jackson-Feild is in need of "gently used" items for younger children. Heretofore their mental health services were provided in the community. Sadly the acuity of their needs dictates that they need residential treatment services.
Their wish list includes age appropriate books (mysteries, adventure, Happy Potter, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, The Hunger Games, Fangirl, Ask the Passenger etc.) comic books, magazines (teen, Sports Illustrated), art supplies, board games, puzzles, toys and sporting goods. Jackson-Feild is requesting that churches consider holding drives for these items and Jackson-Feild will make arrangements to pick up the items so that they can be pressed into service immediately.
If you would like to help please contact the Development Office at 804-354-6929 or email