Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Bishop Search: Update from the Standing Committee

During this time of transition, the Standing Committee has committed itself to regular updates to the Diocese. We hope that this will help you stay abreast of the developments in our Bishop Search process. In the meantime, please keep the Standing Committee, Bishop Hollerith, and the Diocese in your prayers.
On Feb. 28, the Standing Committee met with Bishop Todd Ousley from the Presiding Bishop's office to train us in how to set up a Bishop search. (Click here for more information about the process.) Over the next several months we will be working on the following high level goals:
  • Hire a search consultant to guide the Standing Committee, Search Committee, and Transition Committee through the process.
  • Establish a timeline for major events.
  • Designate persons to work on the Search Committee and assign a chair.
  • Designate persons to work on the Transition Committee and assign a chair.
Thank you and God's Peace,
Standing Committee