Friday, January 26, 2018

Keeping a Holy Lent: Resources for groups and individuals

The Good Book Club - The Episcopal Church invites you to join in the reading of the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts during Lent and Easter.

Civil Discourse Curriculum - A five-week curriculum to guide discussions about politics, policy, and legislation, while strengthening our relationships with each other.

Ash Wednesday Meditation Invitation - An invitation from the Presiding Bishop and President of House of Deputies to the Church as it examines ways in which the Church has failed to stand with women and other victims of abuse and harassment.

Episcopal Relief & Development Daily Reflections - Daily reflections co-authored by faith leaders from across the church. Each meditation is in English and Spanish. You can receive them daily by email or get them in booklet form.

Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John - this Lenten study is from the Society of St. John the Evangelist (SSJE), in partnership with Virginia Theological Seminary's Center for the Ministry of Teaching.

Luke the Liberator - a free online course from ChurchNext; designed to complement the Good Book Club reading.

Lent Madness - from Forward Movement, this is a fun and unique Lenten program that is a great way to learn about the women and men of the Church's Calendar of Saints.