ChurchNext has added two new offerings to its extensive course catalog:
Water & Justice
Fletcher Harper, executive director of Greenfaith, discusses how Christians should bring a reverence for water into our communities. He teaches about the challenges to water supplies around the world and ways to develop a deeper appreciation of our sense of water as a gift. Fletcher teaches about the impetus, but also the resources, that Christianity gives us to conserve water and minimize the effects of climate change. Click here for more.
Family Faith Formation
John Roberto of Lifelong Faith Ministries, discusses the essential role that families take in raising children in the Christian faith and identifies ways to use technology to offer Christian parenting resources through websites that curate webinars, podcasts, online learning and other technological advances. He discusses way to match this material to the needs of families and to encourage them to use these resources. Click here for more.
Water & Justice
Fletcher Harper, executive director of Greenfaith, discusses how Christians should bring a reverence for water into our communities. He teaches about the challenges to water supplies around the world and ways to develop a deeper appreciation of our sense of water as a gift. Fletcher teaches about the impetus, but also the resources, that Christianity gives us to conserve water and minimize the effects of climate change. Click here for more.
Family Faith Formation
John Roberto of Lifelong Faith Ministries, discusses the essential role that families take in raising children in the Christian faith and identifies ways to use technology to offer Christian parenting resources through websites that curate webinars, podcasts, online learning and other technological advances. He discusses way to match this material to the needs of families and to encourage them to use these resources. Click here for more.