Friday, September 9, 2016

Meet Diocesan Disaster Coordinator Carter Sinclair

What would your parish do in the event of an emergency? How could your parish help those in need in the event of an emergency? Do you know who are the most vulnerable of your parishioners in the event of an emergency? Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD) is a resource for our diocese and parishes in the event of an emergency. It is the goal of ERD to appoint a Disaster Coordinator in each diocese.
I am Carter Sinclair, the newly appointed Diocesan Disaster Coordinator for Southern Virginia. I am a member of Eastern Shore Chapel, Virginia Beach, and a Postulant for the Vocational Diaconate. By profession I am a structural engineer and also a structural specialist with Virginia Task Force 2, an Urban Search and Rescue Team with FEMA.

I will be contacting parishes throughout the diocese, introducing myself, and will also be present at Annual Council in February 2017. I want to help Southern Virginia be as prepared as possible when emergencies occur. Helping parishes to appoint and equip their own disaster coordinator and encouraging members to enroll in ERD's volunteer and skill database, Ready to Serve, are some of the ways I hope to achieve that goal.
Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns, (work), (home), 757-417-0565 ext. 11 (work), 757-376-8984 (cell).
Thank you,
Carter Sinclair