Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Thinking ecologically and spiritually about food

The Diocese of Virginia invites you to join them for "Taste and See that the Lord is Good: A conversation between a farmer, a chef and a theologian" on Saturday, October 3 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Grace & Holy Trinity, Richmond.

Throughout Scripture, food is the chief way that God relates to the people of God. From the story of the Garden of Eden to the settlement of the Promised Land, a "land of milk and honey,"  God's most fundamental blessings include the grace of food and the promise that agricultural cycles will yield their fruit in due season. Food is also the way we are intended to relate to God and each other. It is through food that the people of Israel remember and celebrate God's acts of deliverance (Passover seder), as well as express gratitude, show hospitality, ratify covenants, and define ethnic and religious identity. It is not surprising then that the misuse of food should be the cause of a breakdown in our relationship with God and others.
At this conference, we will be invited to explore the relationship between faith and food, between how we relate to God and how we relate to the food and the earth that produces it. The conference will be keynoted by Rachel Marie Stone (author, Eat with Joy). There will also be a "Children and Families Track," providing an opportunity for kids to be engaged in questions of food and faith.

Sign up today! Get more information and register  here.