Church Women elected Nancy Sands as the 41st ECW Diocesan President at
the ECW Fall Annual Meeting. The Rev. Helen McKee, interim rector at
Christ Church, Danville, installed Nancy at the meeting, October 18,
hosted by Christ Church, Nancy's home parish. Other board members
installed are: First Vice President, Helen Sharpe-Williams, Grace
Church, Norfolk; Second Vice President, Katherine O. Patterson, Christ
and Grace, Petersburg; Betty Mariner, St. George's, Pungoteague, Treasurer, Corresponding Secretary, Louise Boss, Christ Church, Eastville, Parliamentarian, Lu Sullivan,
Christ Church, Danville; Historian, Barbara Taylor, St. Francis,
Virginia Beach, Nominating Committee Chair, Deborah Austin, St. Mark's,
Suffolk, United Thank Offering Treasurer, Rosalyn Neal, Grace Church,
Norfolk and Communication Chair, Nancy Smith, St. Aidan's, Virginia
Beach. The new board members take office in January 2014.
to R: Nancy Smith, Lu Sullivan, Betty Mariner, Louise Boss, Deborah
Austin, Helen Sharpe-Williams, Nancy Sands, Barbara Taylor, the Rev.
Helen McKee. Not pictured: Katherine Patterson and Rosalyn Neal