By Nancy Smith, St. Aidan's, Virginia Beach
2014 ends, Barbara Taylor, St. Francis, Virginia Beach, will complete
her two-year term as ECW Diocesan President. She is happy to report, by
year-end, the ECW will reach its goal to raise $10,000 to support the
Mother's Union in the Diocese of Bukavu, Democratic Republic of the
Congo through Women-to-Women, a partnership with the Diocese of
said, "Many thanks to Episcopal Church Women diocesan-wide for giving
your support to our sisters in Christ in the Congo. Through their work
and with our help, women who are victims of rape and torture have a
chance to rebuild their lives."
ECW will celebrate its work in mission at the Fall Annual Meeting,
Saturday, October 18, at Christ Church in Danville. Susan Broaddus, Women-to-Women
chair, Diocese of Southern Virginia, a former missionary in the Congo,
will give an account on the status of the Tamar Project today. ECW board
members, including a new diocesan president, will be elected to take
office in January, 2015. The Rev. Helen McKee will install the newly
elected board members.
Contact Louise Boss, corresponding secretary, to register for the meeting at (757-678-5331) or by October 10. The registration fee is $10. Lunch is included.