State LARCUM Conference in Norfolk, Dec 5-6
The LARCUM Churches of Norfolk invite you to join us at our annual
State LARCUM Conference on Friday and Saturday, 5-6 December 2014. Rev.
Dr. John Armstrong, president and founder of ACT 3 Network, a minister
of Word and Sacrament in the Reformed Church in America and an adjunct
professor of mission at Wheaton College Graduate School will present
"The New Landscape of Post-Christian Christianity"
- Americans remain deeply religious yet are rejecting organized
religion in increasing numbers while they retain deep interest in
spirituality. What is really happening? Is this a lasting trend that
will radically alter the religious landscape?
- If the older
Christendom model of church is passing away how should we respond if we
believe that we still have a mission in America? Where is the missional
moment bearing fruit and how?
- The next generation wants to
belong to community before they can believe anything that is taught. How
will this impact our mission and what does ecumenism have to do with
this important change in religious behavior?
More detailed
information including hotel reservation information will be forthcoming
as the brochure is finalized. Mark your calendars and plan to join us!