Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Stewardship resources for your church

The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS) membership benefits are available to all parishes through our diocesan membership. Benefits include formation and training resources, webinars, giving campaign materials and the new Walking the Way program (see below). For more information on stewardship resources from TENS and other organizations, visit the Stewardship Resources page of our website. 

2014 Walking the Way Stewardship program

All congregations throughout the diocese have access to TENS' 2014 Walking the Way Stewardship Narrative Series and Annual Giving Campaign. The Walking the Way series is designed to help your stewardship ministry team lead their congregation step by step through a six-week annual giving campaign. This year, eight contributing writers reflect on the Gospel lections, beginning Sunday, October 5 and continuing through Sunday, November 9, weaving in a stewardship principle or practice that invites the reader to reflect on their own journey of giving and their walk with Christ.  The Walking the Way series includes:
  • Eight Bulletin Inserts to include Worship Bulletins, E-Newsletters, and E-Blasts beginning October 5 - November 9.  Each reflection includes discussion questions that can be used for adult formation gatherings.
  • Pledge card and proportional giving chart
  • Prayers of the People to be used in liturgy over the course of six weeks
  • Introductory and thank you letters 
  • Template to Evaluate Campaign
  • And much more!