Convocation II churches are joining with
Good Samaritan, Virginia Beach, in presenting a Community Day on May 4
from 1:00 to 5:00pm for the neighborhood surrounding Good Samaritan. The
Western Bayside section of Virginia Beach is a community in which many
residents are struggling day to day and that has one of the higher
crime rates. Neighborhood churches - Good Samaritan, Enoch Baptist and
Heritage Methodist Church - have come together as the Western Bayside
Churches United in order to better reach out to their neighbors in need.
Together they hold a Community Day in May and again at the end of
August. City agencies - police, health, and family services - and
agencies providing financial assistance are all on hand. The churches
provide free food and entertainment for the children. The event requires
many volunteers; the fall Community Day drew 3,000 people from the
neighborhood. For more information about the Community Day, contact the
Rev. Wendy Wilkinson,, or Carol Buckalew,