Friday, February 15, 2013

121st Annual Council – Day 1 highlights

Bishop's Address to Council
 The day opened with Bishop Hollerith’s Address to Council. “Today, I find that I am especially thankful and feeling more joyous about our common life in Southern Virginia than ever before,” said Bishop Hollerith. “Something is different in our diocese.  We seem to be turning a corner!  And for that I give God thanks and praise.  All of my remarks this morning will be framed by a deep sense of hope that is developing in my heart about our future.”  Click here for the full text of Bishop Hollerith’s address.

As the Bishop noted in his address, "I believe that Chanco has the potential to be a kind of special cathedral for our diocese -- a place that acts as a true spiritual center for our common life.”  Vital to the mission and ministry of Chanco is its new Executive Director, Gareth Kalfas, who was introduced to Council this morning. Gareth began his work at Chanco just weeks ago. He comes to the diocese from Camp All Saints in Dallas.

Elections & Appointments
Results of Executive Board elections at the pre-Council Convocation meetings were reported. You can find a roster of our new Executive Board here

The appointment of our Convocation deans was also announced. You can find a roster of our new deans here. 

Elections were held. Elected to Standing Committee were the Rev. Bob Randall (Old Donation, Virginia Beach) and Dr. Angela Parker (St. Paul’s Memorial Chapel, Lawrenceville). Elected to Disciplinary Board were: Ms. Tracy Martin (St. John’s, Halifax), the Rev. Conor Alexander (St. Francis, VB), and the Rev. Anne Kirchmier (St. George’s, Newport News). Elected to the Provincial Synod were Mr. Scott Norris (Emmanuel, Jenkins Bridge) and the Rev. John Boucher (St. Matthias, Midlothian).

Constitutional Resolution 1 (Status of Parishes & Missions) and Canonical Resolutions 1 (Commission on Ministry), 2 (Discipline Structure) and 3 (Discipline Structure) were all passed. Click here for text of resolutions.

Reports were received from the Rev. Susan Grimm, president of the Standing Committee; the Rev. Conor Alexander, president of the Chanco board; the Rev. Keith Emerson, chair of the Leading a Holy Life Task Force; Bud Schoolar, chair of the Talbot Hall Property Committee; and the Rev. Jeunee Godsey of the Mission Network.

Keynote Speaker
Definitely the highlights of the day’s events included two talks given by our keynote speaker, Dr. Lisa Kimball on “The EPIC Adventure of Being Church.” “As human beings we are hard-wired for Epic meaning,” she said. “Across time and cultures, we are a people of story. We search for stories that help us live lives of meaning.” Facebook, Harry Potter, multi-player online role-playing games – all extraordinarily popular secular epic narratives – challenge and instruct the church when it comes to the way we share our epic story. “At its core, Christianity is an epic journey and if we’re not communicating it as an epic into which every single individual is invited for a leading, transforming role, then we’re not communicating it.”