Monday, July 2, 2012

Blessed to Be A Blessing: Tools for stewardship campaigns

from Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs 

The Office of Stewardship is offering a program called Blessed to Be A Blessing, which offers tools to enhance stewardship campaigns and features prominent writers from throughout the Episcopal Church. Blessed to Be A Blessing is a six-week series inviting reflection and discussion on stewardship principles and practices based on the Gospel readings from Mark for each Sunday from October 7 through November 11.

According to the Rev. Laurel Johnston, Program Officer for Stewardship, "Blessed to Be A Blessing is designed to complement and support a congregation's annual giving campaign, each of the six contributing writers explores stewardship, giving, gratitude and generosity in connection with the Gospel lection for each Sunday during the month of October through November." She added, "The series is ideal for those leading stewardship formation, and each week participants can download Blessed to Be a Blessing bulletin inserts as well as a pledge card with a proportional giving chart."

Blessed to Be A Blessing materials are available free at For more information contact Johnston at