Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Boys Home quilt raffle

Boys Home of Virginia is very excited to raffle this beautiful quilt made by Donnie Wheatley's sister, Phyllis Gibson. Phyllis is a very talented quilter and she has made it a tradition to donate handmade quilts to Boys Home each year for us to raffle. Phyllis and her friends Alan and Nancy Kontak also work hard each year to make sure every boy has a handmade quilt on their bed. We're so thankful for the dedication Phyllis shows by blessing Boys Home and the boys with her talents.
The quilt we're raffling this year is 96" x 92" and is a professionally quilted "Charleston Romance" pattern quilt. Tickets are $5 for 1 ticket or $45 for 10 tickets. We will draw the winner on March 17, 2017. All proceeds will go to Religious Life at Boys Home.
Please share this raffle with your friends, coworkers, family, church family, and whoever else you feel might be interested buying a ticket to win this quilt!

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry on the news from Standing Rock

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry issued a statement on Dec. 5 on the news concerning the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation:

"This morning, the sun ascended over the Great Plains of our nation and hope truly dawned anew. After months of courageously and peacefully working to prevent the laying of the Dakota Access Pipeline, which posed potential danger to the water supply of the people of the Sioux Nation and transgressed their sacred burial grounds, the water protectors on Standing Rock have won a notable victory. Yesterday afternoon, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced their decision to deny an easement for the Dakota Access Pipeline's construction across the sacred land and water of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, and this long-awaited announcement is cause for joyful celebration and thanks." Click here to continue reading.

Evangelism Matters conference video available online

On-demand video recordings of the Evangelism Matters, an Episcopal Church Evangelism Conference held November 18-19 in Dallas, TX, are available for viewing at www.evangelismmatters.org. Evangelism Matters is ideal for congregational discussion, adult forums, youth groups, and other Episcopal gatherings-for anyone who would like to learn more about evangelism and available resources to share our faith. The churchwide event was co-sponsored by Forward Movement and the Presiding Bishop's Office, and was hosted by the Diocese of Dallas and Church of the Transfiguration, Dallas, TX where the conference was held.

United Thank Offering Grant applications now accepted

The focus for the 2017 United Thank Offering grants is The Jesus Movement - evangelism, reconciliation, and following Jesus' way of creating loving, liberating, and life-giving relationships with God, each other, and all creation. United Thank Offering grants are awarded for projects that address human needs and help alleviate poverty, both domestically and internationally in the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion. The funds are not permitted for the continuation of ongoing ministries. Detailed guidelines and application are here.

IMPORTANT: The grant deadline is March 3. This is the deadline for each Diocese to submit its selected grant application. Individual applications MUST be submitted to the Bishop's office no later than February 17 for consideration.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Advent: United Thank Offering puts it all together

Yes, it really happened. It was the day after Halloween, and I had gone to a nearby mega-pharmacy to get a memory card for my camera so that I could take some pictures of our upcoming family gathering on Thanksgiving.  As I was checking out (here it comes), the clerk asked me, "You all ready for Christmas?"  Wow! 

Now I realize that several weeks beforehand, this employee had been pressed into service by having to clear out the seasonal aisle and then restock it chockful with Christmas crap (yeah I said it, and I meant it). No doubt, as well, he had put up that hideous plastic tree with its blinking lights I saw in the front of the store. 

Of course, I had been asked that question many times before, but never, ever before Thanksgiving. And, in essence, all this innocent, minimum wage, guy meant by asking "You all ready for Christmas" was whether I had amassed a sufficient amount of stuff from the Christmas seasonal aisles around town to make a respectable showing that wouldn’t disappoint the expectations of my family. 
I'll get back to it, but that is the first question, "Are you ready for Christmas?”  Here's the second. As a kid in school, without fail, the first question we, children and teachers alike, asked one another when we returned from the winter break was, "What did you get for Christmas?"  Again, the question was innocent and intended only to offer us the opportunity to share how happy we were with our Christmas loot. 

Advent this year is a full four weeks long. Thus, it provides us with ample time to slowly and quietly prepare our hearts and minds for the coming of the love of Christ. As a strong supporter of The United Thank Offering, I suggest that reflecting on these two questions, from a UTO perspective, can help make our Advent journey one of deeper meaning and fulfillment. 
Throughout its 127 years, UTO has been a beacon of hope in our church, our country, and throughout the world. And from its inception UTO has always looked outward rather than inward. And so, from a UTO perspective, "Are you all ready for Christmas?" is not about our readiness for own family Christmas "busy-ness," but about our readiness to enter into the business of sharing the love of our Incarnate God with the human family -- especially those who need a helping hand.

And, of course the question, "What did you get for Christmas?" from a UTO perspective would be completely turned on its head to ask instead, "What did you give for Christmas?" And that means giving, not from our excess, but sacrificially from our sustenance; and giving not just a Christmas tie to Uncle Albert, but giving to our neighbors in need wherever they may be.  As the Prayer of St. Francis puts it, "… it is in giving that we receive....”
As we travel this Advent road that leads to Christmas, the spirit of our United Thank Offering helps light the way by putting together those two questions, so that now they become one:  "Are you ready to give this Christmas?" 

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

November Weekend at Chanco

November Weekend 2016 was held November 18-20 at Chanco. The theme of this year's event was "You Could Be a Hero", featuring activity blocks including group games, a nature walk, and zip lines, as well as a special presentation by the Rev. Charlie Bauer and the Rev. Keith Emerson about Episcopal Relief and Development. The retreat also included a social, campfire and dance, as well as powerful worship and music throughout the weekend.  Register now for the December Youth Lock-In at Chanco on December 2-3!    

Communicators & Secretaries Lunch Group to meet

The Communicators & Secretaries Lunch Group will meet on Wednesday, Dec. 7, 12 to 1:30 p.m. at the Diocesan Office in Newport News. This casual colleague group offers an opportunity to ask questions and share ideas with other church staff and volunteers around the Diocese. Bring your own lunch; beverages will be provided. There's no agenda for this gathering - just an opportunity to get together, share, encourage, support, and ask questions. RSVP to Ann Turner, aturner@diosova.org.