Wednesday, March 11, 2015

#WashDay15 - Anglican global Lenten movement

A new global movement - #washday15 - provides a means for participating in a worldwide Lenten discipline through social media postings on Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, and Facebook. Initiated by the Diocese of Oxford in England, the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society is joining with the Church of England and other provinces throughout the Anglican Communion in #washday15.

The effort was inspired by the video Laundry Love - which was viewed at Southern Virginia's 2015 Annual Council last month. The video features an Episcopal congregation in Santa Monica, CA (Diocese of Los Angeles) that meets at a laundromat once a month to do laundry with the homeless. The goal of #washday15 is to engage people in a Lenten practice, culminating on Holy Thursday, the traditional day for foot washing.

"#Washday15 is all about loving service to others, an ancient Lenten discipline like fasting and prayer that could not be more relevant to the soul of the Church today," noted Alexander D. Baumgarten, Director of Public Engagement and Mission Communication for the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society.  "In loving service to others, we experience a kind of repentance and conversion - a pivot to a new manner of being - that prepares us to walk in the abundant life of Easter."

According to the website: "#washday15 is a way of encouraging people to make a difference to their communities this Lent through some kind of washing-related activity. The washing element is a way of re-enacting Jesus' washing of the disciples' feet at the Last Supper."

"Wash something with someone and make a difference in their day-to-day life or in your  community. Then share your photos, tweets and posts." noted Anne Rudig, Director of Communication. "#washday15, like Laundry Love, is modern-day foot washing."

For more info contact Rudig at

Men's Cursillo Weekend #156 - Don't miss it!

Cursillo is an adult retreat held at Chanco three times annually and the Men's Weekend is coming up April 9-12, 2015. Cursillo is an adult retreat designed to help us discover ways we can live our faith more intentionally and connect with Christian friends from throughout our diocese. The Men's Weekend is seeking participants for their retreat. If you are a Cursillista, please consider who you can invite to the weekend. "It's too good not to share!" If you are someone interested in attending the weekend, please contact the Rector Richard Haus of Christ the King, Tabb at For more information on Cursillo or to apply to be a candidate, please visit the Cursillo website at

Chanco Open House

Have you wondered what all the "buzz" is about for Chanco on the James?  Have you heard kids talking about amazing summer camp experiences but your own child is hesitant? Do you have a first time camper who would like to visit and see where they would be staying before they are dropped off for overnight camp in June? Then we have the event for you!  On March 22 from 1 to 5 pm, Chanco will be open to welcome you!  Come meet our Executive Director and camp staff while taking a tour of the facility, flying along a zip line, climbing our rock wall, and enjoying face painting, hayrides, and refreshments. Join us for a fun day of festivities and an opportunity to introduce your child to our summer camp, voted "Best of Virginia" in 2014 by Virginia Living magazine. To learn more, visit our website at, call us at 888-7CHANCO or click here for the all NEW 2015 Chanco on the James video!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

New Camino: Re-imagining Latino/Hispanic Ministry in Southern Virginia

May 8 & 9
St. David's Episcopal Church
1801 Camborne Road, Richmond 

Many church leaders (both clergy & lay) are interested in growing with and being responsive to their Latino/a neighbors. They think it is impossible because they don't speak Spanish.
Come to the New Camino Seminar. Come learn how Latin@/Hispanic Ministry has changed from old bifurcated Spanish only/English only model.  

Led by The Rev. Anthony Guillen, Episcopal Church Officer for Latin@/Hispanic Ministries, and practitioners from across the country, this seminar explores the changing face, cultural backgrounds, interests and needs of Latino/a communities, and how we can welcome, serve and involve these communities in our Congregational Life and Ministry.

Clergy, vestry, and lay leaders who want a growing and vital church will join us at New Camino.
We encourage teams of at least 3 people from each congregation.

Conference is a joint effort of The Diocese of Southern Virginia, Convocation 7, and the Episcopal Church Center. Contact: The Rev. Canon Jeunée Godsey, Canon for Congregational Development,

Praying for the churches of Southern Virginia

As part of our liturgy at Annual Council 2015, each delegation wrote a prayer for their parish. We are sharing these prayers each week in the eNews so that we all can support one another in the upcoming year.

Martin's Brandon, Burrowsville
Gracious God, we thank you that this past year the people of Martin's Brandon came together in hope for worship, word, prayer and praise. We are especially thankful that last year you blessed us with the means and opportunity to restore our parish hall and bell tower, and to replace our belfry cross (once taken from us) which now once again shines as a beacon for all our community to see. All these wonderful changes have enabled us to return this year to our tradition of service within and without our community by once again throwing open our doors to feed, teach, shelter and comfort. We ask that this year you give us the clear discernment to seek and provide loving service within our immediate community and beyond, making full use of all you have given us. Help us to employ the gift of hospitality toward all those who come into our midst, aware that, in welcoming the stranger we are welcoming your holy angels. These things we pray in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

St. Mark's, Hampton
Father God, Almighty and omnipotent, we praise you and thank you for your grace, mercy, and love.  You have blessed St. Mark's throughout our transition with lay persons and supply priests who have faithfully continued your work.  We ask that you grant us continued patience and discernment as we seek our next shepherd, and when revealed, please grant us a spirit of harmony as we gracefully accept change, lovingly build relationships, and boldly go forth to become all you wish us to be.  We ask this through your Holy Spirit and in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  Amen.

A Call to Action: Creating a Recovery Ready Diocese

Join us on Saturday, April 25 at Bruton Parish, Williamsburg, for a day-long formation event for individuals and parish teams to learn more about the disease of addiction and how to create Recovery Ready parishes. Hosted by the Addictions and Recovery Commission of the Diocese of Southern Virginia. Facilitated by Chuck Robinson, national director of Christian Programming and Outreach for Elements Behavioral Health, and Jan M. Brown, director of Spiritworks Foundation. Event is 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Lunch is included. $25 per person or $75 for a team of 4 or more. Click here for more information and registration. 

CE-Net to meet on March 19

CE-Net (Christian Education Network) will hold their monthly meeting on Thursday, March 19 at 9 a.m. at Emmanuel, Hampton. Please join us as we catch up and discuss future CE-Net meetings.
Breakfast will be provided. Feel free to pass this invite along to anyone who you think would be interested! Please RSVP to Jennifer Nauroth