Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Golfing for Jackson-Feild's children

Jackson-Feild Homes is seeking golfers for its annual golf tournament to be held Thursday, May 8th at the Country Club at the Highlands in Chesterfield County. Proceeds from the tournament will be used to support Jackson-Feild Homes' Expressive Arts and Education programs.

The 19th annual tournament will be held Thursday, Hardees is the title sponsor and Modern Woodmen of America is the presenting sponsor of this event. Lunch is served from noon to 1:00 p.m. followed by the captain's choice tournament. Golfers are given the opportunity to purchase raffle tickets for a variety of items and the drawing is held at the awards dinner at the conclusion of play.  

Close to $400,000 has been raised since from previous tournaments. These funds are used to operate our summer program which operates afternoons after summer school has been dismissed. They are also used to support specific events and activities such as our college and career day, beautiful me program, dances, community service opportunities and trips and outings.

For more information contact Tod Balsbaugh, or 804-354-6929.

e-Formation: A conference on faith formation for a connected, digital world

The Center for the Ministry of Teaching (CMT) at Virginia Theological Seminary (VTS) is sponsoring e-Formation: A conference on faith formation for a connected, digital world June 2-4 in Alexandria. The annual event began in 2012 to fill a leadership and training need in the faith formation/Christian education community.

Last summer, almost 200 Christian educators and communicators, lay and ordained and from several denominations, converged on VTS to learn from experts and peers about using technology for forming faith in congregations and other ministry settings. Many of these participants will return to an expanded 2014 program at the Washington, DC-area seminary in what is expected to be an even larger gathering.

"The first e-Formation was strictly a learning exchange," says Lisa Kimball, CMT Director and Professor of Christian Formation and Congregational Leadership. "We knew we didn't have all the answers about faith, learning, and technology, but we knew many friends and colleagues were thinking carefully and working hard. We brought them together to teach each other."
In 2013, the event expanded to a full-fledged professional and missional development conference. The 2014 conference features a yet larger slate of well-known speakers and exemplary practitioners, as well as a creative menu of participatory workshop formats and topics. These include intensive courses on Google tools and video production; introductory sessions on blogging, online learning, and digital curriculum resources; break-out groups organized by ministry setting and age group; and two public evening presentations about the big picture of using technology in faith learning.

The conference rate of $348 includes meals, the evening sessions, and Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday's conference program. Student rates and limited on-campus housing are available. Registration is now open and is expected to fill quickly. More information is available at The hashtag for the event is #eform14.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Diocesan Partnership representative visits Southern Virginia

Bishop Hollerith and the diocesan staff welcomed Katie Conway - Immigration and Refugee Policy Analyst from the Episcopal Church's Office of Government Relations - to the diocesan office on March 11. Katie is Southern Virginia's Diocesan Partnership representative from the national church. 

Episcopal Church Chief Operating Officer Bishop Stacy Sauls announced this innovative missionary program in July 2013. The program is designed to connect dioceses and staff in a collaborative manner. "Our Episcopal Church yearns for connection," Bishop Sauls explained.  "Our people want to be connected.  Our leaders are looking for opportunities to be connected. Through the Diocesan Partnership Representatives, the DFMS (Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society) staff can assist in connecting and offering resources to our dioceses and congregations."

The purpose and goals of the Diocesan Partnership Program are twofold: to make resources available at the local levels; and to build networks and partnerships to connect people across geography. The Diocesan Partnership Representatives are DFMS staff members who will work together to connect the Church across a vast geographical area in 16 countries through Virtual Regional Offices. The Virtual Regional Offices, Bishop Sauls said, "will consist of representatives of DFMS staff from Formation, Diversity, Congregational and Diocesan Ministries, Global Partnerships, Government Relations, Episcopal Migration Ministries, Development, and Communications."

A Diocesan Partnership Representative has been assigned to each diocese in The Episcopal Church. "The Diocesan Partnership Representatives will connect the dioceses and provinces within their regions with mission efforts at the most local level in partnership with the local bishop, clergy, and lay leaders," Bishop Sauls noted.  "They will be ambassadors, consultants, links, and colleagues in mission with those on the ground, bringing a global perspective to local action, visible reminders that all of us are connected, that each has need of all the others in the service of Christ's reconciling mission in the world."   

CE-Net Speaker Series: Confirmation

Join us on Thursday, March 27, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Hickory Neck Church, Toano, for the next installment in CE-Net's Speaker Series. Jenifer Gamber, author of  "My Faith, My Life", and Director of Christian Formation at St. Anne's Church in Trexeltown, PA, will lead us in an honest conversation about the challenges of providing Confirmation instruction for young people. The cost is $15, which includes lunch. Click here for more information and registration.

Register now for Administrative & Financial Best Practices Workshop on May 15

Join us on Thursday, May 15, at Grace Church, Yorktown for a day designed especially for parish administrators, treasurers, and anyone (staff or volunteer) involved in the financial or administrative functions of your church. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn, ask questions, share your experiences, and connect with your colleagues in other churches. Topics will include: compensation, audits and internal controls, health insurance, electronic giving and more. Watch the eNews and our website for more details coming soon.  

If you missed last year's workshop, listen to what participants had to say:  
  • "I learned so much ...great handouts for future reference"
  • "I look forward to the next workshop!"
  • "Loved it. Great info & awesome lunch"
  • "very informative"
If you did come last year, this year's workshop offers new topics and speakers. Don't miss it!

Registration fee $20 (includes lunch). Click here for more information and online registration.  

Clergy, mark your calendars for these important events

Renewal of Ordination Vows
Renewal of Ordination Vows will be held on Wednesday, April 16 at 10 a.m. at St. John's, Hampton and at 2:30 p.m. at St. Barnabas', Richmond.

Spring Clergy Conference
Registration for the Spring Clergy Conference opens soon. Mark your calendar and plan to join us on Tuesday, May 13 at Chanco on the James. 

ECW Annual Spring Meeting: How to transform your ECW - the Redeemer success story

Two years ago, the ECW at Redeemer, Midlothian, like many ECWs in the Diocese of Southern Virginia, struggled to survive. Then, they decided to transform their ECW program. Today, meetings are well-attended. Volunteers gladly help with outreach and service projects and enjoy enriching fellowship. 
What inspired the women of Redeemer, and how did they accomplish this transformation? 

Come to the ECW Spring Annual Meeting at Good Shepherd, McKenney, VA, May 17 to hear first-hand how they did it. Redeemer ECW board members who drove the ECW transformation will share their success story. To RSVP, contact Louise Boss, 757-678-5331, by May 5.