Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Chanco on the James: Executive Director hiring update

After initial screening of resumes, followed by phone interviews with a number of capable candidates, four talented and qualified candidates were interviewed for the position of Chanco Executive Director in person last week. The interview was an all day process with each candidate participating in an interview with a committee of the board of directors, a tour of the property, a presentation and meeting with a panel of Stakeholders and lunch with Stakeholders and/or board members. Thank you to Dave Belote, Ann Krannitz and the Rev. Eileen Walsh (Camp Chanco Alumni Association board members); Rick Mason and Laura Frank Sale (Chanco Parish Representatives); Bruce Comfort and Charlie Schindler (Cursillo); Diocesan Youth Missioner Ashley Scruggs and EYC Board President Holly Waide (Episcopal Youth Community); Juli Edwards (Happening); and staff members Talley Banazek, Robbie and Shanna Matthews, and Stacey Richards for participating in the Stakeholder panel. Written evaluations were solicited from all persons participating in the interview process and compiled for review by the Chanco Board of Directors at last night's board meeting. A name will be put forth to Bishop Hollerith who will continue the process with the candidate in order to make a final decision. We appreciation the support and prayers of the Diocese of Southern Virginia during this important time. Updates on this process will be posted here as well as on our Facebook page.

Mission Cross now available

The Mission of the Holy Spirit is an urban outreach ministry serving an at-risk community in Norfolk spiritually, emotionally, educationally and physically. Its focus is on empowering youth and their families through the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Mission Cross was created to honor and support the ministry and community of the Mission of the Holy Spirit. Uplifted hands receive the Holy Spirit: holy hands that worship, praise and heal. Each cross is handcrafted of nails, a gentle reminder of the ultimate sacrifice made for each of us and that we are vessels of the Living God, called to go forth in his name.

You can purchase a Mission Cross and support the Mission of the Holy Spirit. Click here for more information and an order form.

Upcoming Cursillo events

Cursillo is a movement within the Episcopal Church. It is an adult retreat designed to help us grow closer to Jesus Christ. It's also a community where we're encouraged to live joyfully and serve faithfully in grace. 

Fourth Day Cursillo Gathering - November 3 at 12 noon at Chanco. Hot dogs and hamburgers will be served. Bring a covered dish to share. Don't miss this wonderful opportunity to gather together to renew old friendships, praise the Lord and welcome our new Cursillistas. For more information contact Cursillo Lay Director Bee Betts,

Men's Cursillo Weekend - Feb. 28 through Mar. 3 at Chanco.  

Women's Cursillo Weekend - April 11-14 at Chanco.  

For more information about Cursillo in Southern Virginia or to apply to be a candidate or team member for a weekend, go to

Nominations for Annual Council elections

The 121st Annual Council of the Diocese of Southern Virginia will be held February 15-16, 2013 at the Williamsburg Lodge in Williamsburg, Virginia. The Nomination Form and Nomination Guidelines for Annual Council elections are now available online. The nomination deadline is December 14, 2012. Candidates are being sought for the following positions:
  • Standing Committee: 1 laity, 1 clergy
  • Disciplinary Board: 1 laity, 1 clergy
  • Provincial Synod: 1 laity, 1 clergy
Please complete and mail the  Nomination Form,  available here, by December 14, 2012 to Leah Sicignano, 600 Talbot Hall Road, Norfolk, VA 23505. All nominations must be received by mail as they require original signatures.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

None of the Above: The Rise of the Religiously Unaffiliated

Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly, the national PBS television program produced by Thirteen/WNET, is launching a three-part mini-series, "None of the Above: The Rise of the Religiously Unaffiliated," based largely on a new survey about the views of the 46 million Americans who say they are not affiliated with any particular religion. Click here for more information. Congregations could benefit from the information in this series as they think about ways to reach out to the unchurched in their communities. 

Fall Game & Wine Dinner to benefit Happening

On October 27, 2012, St. Christopher's, Portsmouth, will be hosting a Fall Game and Wine Dinner to benefit the Happening program. Happening is a Christian renewal program designed for youth in grades 10-12. The focal point of the weekend is learning and experiencing the love of Christ.  

A magnificent menu has been planned for the benefit dinner. Be prepared to have a fine dining experience in a relaxed atmosphere. The menu will consist of several courses prepared with duck, venison and rock fish. The dinner will start at 7 p.m. and the cost is $65 per person. We will be pairing each course with a wine selection. You will not be disappointed! We are selling a limited number of tickets so get them now. You can purchase tickets online here. You can also purchase tickets via cash or check (made out to St. Christopher's). If you have questions please contact Kim Centers 757-447-8801, or the Rev. Eileen Walsh at 757-484-5155,

Help the Mission of the Holy Spirit change lives

by Keith A. Josey, Lay Pastor, Mission of the Holy Spirit 

Thank you for supporting the Mission of the Holy Spirit with your prayers, gifts and resources. This summer, many of our children were blessed with trips to pool parties, a Tides game, Busch Gardens and the Children's Museum. All these trips were made possible because of the generosity of those who gave out of a love for helping others and a belief in the services we provide at the Mission of the Holy Spirit. As we move into the fall months, our programming has shifted from activity-centered to educational enrichment and healthy living.

Have you ever seen the look on a person's face when they finally realize that they can make a change in their lives? It is so vastly different than the expressions of hopelessness that occur when people are faced with the sad realities that surround so many. Despite all the daily struggles faced in our community, seeds of hope, joy and purpose are planted with your support.

At the Mission of the Holy Spirit, we strive to effectively change lives by nurturing the gifts of the people we serve and offering opportunities for all to experience God's love in multiple ways. Through our efforts, lives are being changed, as evidenced by the many young people in our program who graduate high school and go on to college. When the Mission started in 1993, few participants had hope of graduating from high school; as I write, 8 Mission members are currently enrolled in college and pursuing their dreams. We have also experienced an increase in our Sunday worship attendance from an average of 35 (mostly children) in 2007 to more than 50 children and adults in recent months. We are indeed proud of this growth, coming at a time when many churches are seeing a decline in membership. We have baptized 43 infants, children and adults since 2007, forever bonding them with Christ Jesus. Our growth is a result of quality programs, people and purpose.

In order to sustain our purpose "to effectively change lives" we need your help. Due to the economy, our contributions are down considerably; in order to maintain our worship services and programs into 2013, we are in very serious need of your continued financial assistance. These tough economic times make your giving so much more important than ever before. Please think about asking for donations to the Mission in lieu of birthday and Christmas gifts, and send your own contribution after you consider this ministry for God's children prayerfully.

These times are challenging, but "we can make a difference and we will make a change." Through working together to share God's love and allowing the light of Christ to shine, we can continue to touch the lives of the people we serve.